Partager via

Append Method (Views)

Creates a new View object and appends it to the Views collection.


Views.Append Name, Command


  • Name
    A String value that specifies the name of the view to create.
  • Command
    An ADO Command object that represents the view to create.


Creates a new view in the data source with the name and attributes specified in the Command object.

If the command text that the user specifies represents a procedure rather than a view, the behavior is dependent upon the provider. Append will fail if the provider does not support persisting commands.

Note   When using the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet, the Views collection Append method will allow you to specify a Procedure rather than a View in the Command parameter. The Procedure will be added to the data source and will be added to the Views collection. After the Append, if the Procedures and Views collections are refreshed, the Procedure will no longer be in the Views collection and will appear in the Procedures collection.

See Also

Views Append Method Example (VB)

Append Method (Columns) | Append Method (Groups) | Append Method (Indexes) | Append Method (Keys) | Append Method (Procedures) | Append Method (Tables) | Append Method (Users)

Applies To: Views Collection