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Digital-Video Errors

The following additional return values are defined for digital-video devices:

Value Meaning
MCIERR_AVI_AUDIOERROR Unknown error while attempting to play audio.
MCIERR_AVI_BADPALETTE Unable to switch to new palette.
MCIERR_AVI_CANTPLAYFULLSCREEN This AVI file cannot be played in full screen mode.
MCIERR_AVI_DISPLAYERROR Unknown error while attempting to display video.
MCIERR_AVI_NOCOMPRESSOR Can't locate installable compressor needed to play this file.
MCIERR_AVI_NODISPDIB 256 color VGA mode not available.
MCIERR_AVI_NOTINTERLEAVED This AVI file is not interleaved.
MCIERR_AVI_OLDAVIFORMAT This AVI file is of an obsolete format.
MCIERR_AVI_TOOBIGFORVGA This AVI file is too big to be played in the selected VGA mode.