Partager via

auto_handle::operator bool


The latest version of this topic can be found at auto_handle::operator bool.

Operator for using auto_handle in a conditional expression.


operator bool();  

Return Value

true if the wrapped object is valid; false otherwise.


This operator actually converts to _detail_class::_safe_bool which is safer than bool because it cannot be converted to an integral type.


// msl_auto_handle_operator_bool.cpp  
// compile with: /clr  
#include <msclr\auto_handle.h>  
using namespace System;  
using namespace msclr;  
int main() {  
   auto_handle<String> s1;  
   auto_handle<String> s2 = "hi";  
   if ( s1 ) Console::WriteLine( "s1 is valid" );  
   if ( !s1 ) Console::WriteLine( "s1 is invalid" );  
   if ( s2 ) Console::WriteLine( "s2 is valid" );  
   if ( !s2 ) Console::WriteLine( "s2 is invalid" );  
   if ( s2 ) Console::WriteLine( "s2 is now valid" );  
   if ( !s2 ) Console::WriteLine( "s2 is now invalid" );  
s1 is invalid  
s2 is valid  
s2 is now invalid  


Header file <msclr\auto_handle.h>

Namespace msclr

See Also

auto_handle Members