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Step 7: Configure CLIENT2

CLIENT2 configuration for the Demonstrating FIM 2010 R2 Outlook Add-in test lab consists of the following:

  • Install Windows 7 Professional x86 on CLIENT2

  • Join CLIENT2 to the CORP domain

  • Install Office Ultimate 2007

  • Install Office Ultimate 2007 Service Pack 3

Install Windows 7 Professional x86 on CLIENT2

Install the Windows 7 Professional operating system on CLIENT2.

To install Windows 7 Professional x86 on CLIENT2

  1. Start the installation of Windows 7 Professional x86.

  2. Follow the instructions to complete the installation, specifying CLIENT2 as the PC name and a strong password for the local Administrator account.

  3. Once the installation completes, log on using the local Administrator account.

  4. Connect CLIENT2 to a network that has Internet access and run Windows Update to install the latest updates for Windows 7 Professional.

  5. Once the updates are complete, restart CLIENT2 and log on as the local Administrator.

  6. Connect CLIENT2 to the network that has access to the domain.

Join CLIENT2 to the CORP domain

Now join CLIENT2 to the domain.

To join CLIENT2 to the CORP domain

  1. Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.

  2. On the System page, under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings click Change Settings.

  3. In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer name tab, click Change.

  4. Under Member of, select Domain, and enter in the box. Click OK.

  5. When you are prompted for a user name and password, type the user name and password for the User1 account, and then click OK.


    You can also use the CORP\Administrator account to join CLIENT2 to the domain.

  6. When you see a dialog box welcoming you to the domain, click OK.

  7. When you are prompted that you must restart the computer, click OK.

  8. On the System Properties dialog box, click Close.

  9. When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart Now.

  10. After the computer restarts, click Switch User, and then click Other User and log on to the CORP domain with the Administrator account.

Install Office Ultimate 2007

Install Office Ultimate 2007 on CLIENT2

To Install Office Ultimate 2007 on CLIENT2

  1. Log on to CLIENT2 as CORP\Administrator

  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the Office 2007 binaries and double-click Setup.exe and begin the installation.

  3. Enter your product key and click Next.

  4. Read the License terms, place a check in I accept the terms of this agreement and click Continue.

  5. Click Install Now.

    Install Outlook 2007

  6. Once the installation completes click Close.

Install Office Ultimate 2007 Service Pack 3

Install Office Ultimate 2007 Service Pack 3 on CLIENT2

To Install Office Ultimate 2007 Service Pack 3 on CLIENT2

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains the Office 2007 binaries and double-click office2007-kb2526308-fullfile-x86.exe and begin the installation.

  2. Read the License terms, place a check in Click here to accept the Microsoft Software License Terms and click Continue.

  3. This will bring up a popup box that says This will upgrade all of the 2007 Microsoft Office desktop programs on your computer to Service Pack 3-level. Click Yes.

  4. If you get a windows that says the following applications should be closed before continuing, make sure Automatically close applications and attempt to restart them after setup is complete is selected and click OK.

    Install Outlook 2007 SP3

  5. Once the installation completes you will be prompted to reboot. Click Yes.