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FIM 2010 R2 Reporting Object Model

FIM 2010 R2 Reporting Object Model

The following were introduced in FIM 2010 R2 to support the reporting feature. These allow the ability to manage, create, and delete bindings between FIM and the Data Warehouse and also the ability to manage, create, and delete reporting jobs which modify the behavior of the sync processes.

Name Attribute Type Description




One of “Incremental Sync”, “Full Initial Sync”, “Partial Initial Sync”



The start time and date, in UTC, of this job.



The end time and date, in UTC, of this job.



The status of this job – one of (Running | Completed | Error).



If the status of the job is “Error,” then this attribute holds the informational error string associated with that error.




The raw XML which defines the FIM <-> SCSM DW binding.



The ID of the management pack this binding relates to.



The version of the management pack this binding relates to.



The version of this binding file definition.




The target generated by a request.




Information about a particular request target.

Obj Type Description Attribute - Display Name Attribute - Description Value


Set of all reporting binding objects

All Reporting Binding Objects

This set contains all reporting binding objects defined in the system.


Set of all reporting job objects

All Reporting Job Objects

This set contains all reporting job objects defined in the system.


MPR giving admins access to binding objects

Reporting Administration: Administrators can control reporting binding resources.

Reporting Administration: Administrators can control reporting binding resources.


MPR giving admins access to job objects

Reporting Administration: Administrators can control reporting job resources.

Reporting Administration: Administrators can control reporting job resources.

Object Type Description

Binding object type description

Binding Description

This resource describes a reporting binding object type. These objects are used to specify a mapping between FIM objects and attributes and their related classes and properties in the FIM reporting database.

Object Type Description

Request Target object type description

This resource represents the target of a specific request. These objects are used by the Reporting ETL process to model requests in the Data Warehouse.

Object Type Description

Request Target Details object type description

Request Target Detail

This resource represents details about a change to a specific target that caused by a request. These objects are used by the Reporting ETL process to model requests in the Data Warehouse.

Object Type Description

Reporting Job object type description

Reporting Job

This resource describes a reporting job object type. These objects are used to store data about Reporting ETL processes that are occurring between FIM and the System Center Management Server.

Attribute Type Description

Data warehouse Binding Identity

Data Warehouse Binding Identity

This attribute defines the name of a reporting binding object.

Attribute Type Description

Data warehouse mapping

Data Warehouse Mapping

This attribute defines a mapping between FIM objects and attributes and their related classes and properties in the FIM reporting database.

Attribute Type Description

Reporting Job – ReportingJobType

Reporting Job Type

This attribute defines the type of reporting job being represented by a reporting job object.

Attribute Type Description

Reporting Job – StartTime

This attribute defines the start time and date of a reporting job object and is specified in UTC.

Attribute Type Description

Reporting Job – CompletedTime

This attribute defines the end time and date of a reporting job object and is specified in UTC.

Attribute Type Description

Reporting Job – ReportingJobStatus

Reporting Job Status

This attribute defines the status of a reporting job.

Attribute Type Description

Reporting Job – ReportingJobDetails

Reporting Job Details

This attribute defines the informational error string associated with a failed reporting job.

Attribute Type Description

Request Target – Parent Request GUID

This attribute defines the parent request associated with this request target object. This attribute comes from the request parameters of the parent request.

Attribute Type Description

Request Target – Target GUID

This attribute defines the GUID of the target object being modified. This attribute comes from the request parameters of the parent request.

Attribute Type Description

Request Target – Operation

This attribute defines the operation that is occurring on the target object. This attribute comes from the request parameters of the parent request.

Attribute Type Description

Request Target Details – Target GUID

This attribute defines the GUID of the target object being modified. This attribute comes from the request parameters of the parent request.

Attribute Type Description

Request Target Details – Attribute Name

This attribute defines the name of the attribute being modified on the speficied target object. This attribute comes from the request parameters of the parent request.

Attribute Type Description

Request Target Details – Value

This attribute defines the value of the attribute being modified on the specified target object. This attribute comes from the request parameters of the parent request.

Attribute Type Description

Request Target Details – Mode

This attribute defines the mode of the update occurring on the specified target object. This attribute comes from the request parameters of the parent request.