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Step 8: Verify the Customizations

Verifying our SSPR customizations consists of the following steps:

  • Register CORP\jsmith in the Password Registration Portal

  • Reset CORP\jsmith’s password from the Extranet

  • Log into Outlook Web Access from CLIENT 2 to verify the password change worked.

Register CORP\jsmith in the Password Registration Portal

We will re-register our user, John Smith to see the changes to the Password Registration Portal. This will involve logging on to the Password Registration portal and providing answers to our 3 questions.

To register CORP\jsmith in the Password Registration Portal

  1. Log on to as CORP\jsmith.

  2. Click Start, select All Programs, and then click Internet Explorer (64-bit).

  3. In the Internet Explorer address bar enter and hit enter. Enter John Smiths credentials when prompted.

  4. On the Password Registration home page verify the new Contoso Corporation banner. Also notice the top tab says Contoso Self-Service Password Registration.

    verify registration 1

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Your Current Password page, enter John Smiths password in the box and click Next.

  7. On the Password Registration page notice that Contoso Question and Answer Registration now appears.

    verify registration 2

  8. On the Password Registration page, in the box under What is your mothers middle name? enter Jane.

  9. On the Password Registration page, in the box under What is your fathers middle name? enter John.

  10. On the Password Registration page, in the box under What is your pets first name? enter Fido.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Click Finish.

  13. Close Internet Explorer.

  14. Log off CLIENT1

Reset CORP\jsmith’s password from the Extranet

Now we will reset CORP\jsmith’s account from a machine that is not joined to our domain, CLIENT2. This will be to verify our customizations to the password reset portal.

To Reset CORP\jsmith’s password from the Extranet

  1. Log on to CLIENT2 as the default user.

  2. Click Start, select All Programs, and then click Internet Explorer (64-bit).

  3. In the Internet Explorer address bar enter and hit enter. This site will come up but it will say that there is a problem with the website’s security certificate. This is because CLIENT2 knows nothing about the CA (as being trusted or not) on DC1. This can be ignored. Click Continue to this website (not recommended).

  4. On the Password Reset home page verify the new Contoso Corporation banner. Also notice the top tab says Contoso Self-Service Password Reset.

    verify reset 1

  5. On the Password Reset home enter CORP\jsmith and click Next.

  6. On the Password Reset page notice that Contoso Question and Answer Reset now appears.

    verify reset 2

  7. On the Submit Your Answers page, in the box under What is your mothers middle name? enter Jane.

  8. On the Submit Your Answers page, in the box under What is your fathers middle name? enter John.

  9. On the Submit Your Answers page, in the box under What is your pets first name? enter Fido.

  10. Click Next.

  11. On the Choose Your New Password screen, in the box under Enter a new password enter Pass1word$3

  12. On the Choose Your New Password screen, in the box under Re-enter the password enter Pass1word$3

  13. Click Next. This will come back and say that the password was successfully changed.

    verify reset 3

  14. Close Internet Explorer.

Log into Outlook Web Access from CLIENT 2 to verify the password change worked.

Now we will log on to Outlook Web Access using the newly changed password.

To log into Outlook Web Access from CLIENT 2 to verify the password change worked.

  1. Click Start, select All Programs, and then click Internet Explorer (64-bit).

  2. In the Internet Explorer address bar enter and hit enter. This site will come up but it will say that there is a problem with the website’s security certificate. This is because CLIENT2 knows nothing about the CA (as being trusted or not) on DC1. This can be ignored. Click Continue to this website (not recommended).

  3. On the Outlook Web App screen, next to Domain\user enter CORP\jsmith.

  4. On the Outlook Web App screen, next to Password enter Pass1word$3.

  5. Click Sign in. Outlook web access should now come up.

  6. Close Internet Explorer.