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WM_ Messages: T - Z


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The latest version of this topic can be found at WM_ Messages: T - Z.

The following map entries correspond to the function prototypes:

Map entry Function prototype
ON_WM_TCARD() afx_msg void OnTCard( UINT, DWORD );
ON_WM_TIMECHANGE() afx_msg void OnTimeChange( );
ON_WM_TIMER() afx_msg void OnTimer( UINT_PTR );
ON_WM_UNICHAR() afx_msg void OnUniChar( UINT, UINT, UINT );
ON_WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP() afx_msg void OnUnInitMenuPopup( CMenu*, UINT );
ON_WM_USERCHANGED() afx_msg void OnUserChanged();
ON_WM_VKEYTOITEM() afx_msg int OnVKeyToItem( UINT, CWnd*, UINT );
ON_WM_VSCROLL() afx_msg void OnVScroll( UINT, UINT, CWnd* );
ON_WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD() afx_msg void OnVScrollClipboard( CWnd*, UINT, UINT );
ON_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED() afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanged( WINDOWPOS*);
ON_WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING() afx_msg void OnWindowPosChanging( WINDOWPOS*);
ON_WM_WININICHANGE() afx_msg void OnWinIniChange( LPSTR );
ON_WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE() afx_msg void OnSessionChange( UINT, UINT );
ON_WM_XBUTTONDBLCLK() afx_msg void OnXButtonDblClk( UINT, UINT, CPoint );
ON_WM_XBUTTONDOWN() afx_msg void OnXButtonDown( UINT, UINT, CPoint );
ON_WM_XBUTTONUP() afx_msg void OnXButtonUp( UINT, UINT, CPoint );

See Also

Message Maps
Handlers for WM_ Messages