Call this function within your control's DoPropExchange member function to initialize a font property by converting a VBX control's font-related properties.
BOOL PX_VBXFontConvert(
CPropExchange* pPX,
CFontHolder& font
Pointer to the CPropExchange object (typically passed as a parameter to DoPropExchange).font
The font property of the OLE control that will contain the converted VBX font-related properties.
Valeur de retour
Nonzero if the exchange was successful; 0 if unsuccessful.
This function should be used only by an OLE control that is designed as a direct replacement for a VBX control. When the Visual Basic development environment converts a form containing a VBX control to use the corresponding replacement OLE control, it will call the control's IDataObject::SetData function, passing in a property set that contains the VBX control's property data. This operation, in turn, causes the control's DoPropExchange function to be invoked. DoPropExchange can call PX_VBXFontConvert to convert the VBX control's font-related properties (for example, "FontName," "FontSize," and so on) into the corresponding components of the OLE control's font property.
PX_VBXFontConvert should only be called when the control is actually being converted from a VBX form application. Par exemple :
void CMFCActiveXControlCtrl::DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX)
ExchangeVersion(pPX, MAKELONG(_wVerMinor, _wVerMajor));
if (IsConvertingVBX())
PX_VBXFontConvert(pPX, InternalGetFont());
Configuration requise
Header: afxctl.h