ExtraTopLevelOperators.printfn<'T>, fonction (F#)
La fonction printfn imprime sur stdout à l'aide du format donné et ajoute une nouvelle ligne.
Espace de noms/Chemin du module : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators
Assembly : FSharp.Core (in FSharp.Core.dll)
// Signature:
printfn : TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
// Usage:
printfn format
- format
Type : TextWriterFormat<'T>
Cette fonction se nomme PrintFormatLine dans les assemblys compilés. Si vous accédez à la fonction à partir d'un langage autre que F# ou par réflexion, utilisez ce nom.
L'exemple de code suivant illustre l'utilisation de printfn avec des spécificateurs de format différents. Pour plus d'informations sur les spécificateurs de format, consultez Module Printf.
let isDone = false
printfn "Printing Boolean values: %b %b" isDone (not isDone)
let s1,s2 = "test1", @"C:\test2"
printfn "Printing strings (note literal printing of string with special character): %s%s" s1 s2
let i1, i2 = -123, 1891
printfn "Printing an integer in decimal form, with and without a width: %d %10d" i1 i2
printfn "Printing an integer in lowercase hexadecimal: %x or 0x%x" i1 i2
printfn "Printing as an unsigned integer: %u %u" i1 i2
printfn "Printing an integer as uppercase hexadecimal: %X or 0x%X" i1 i2
printfn "Printing as an octal integer: %o %o" i1 i2
printfn "Printing in columns."
for i in 115 .. 59 .. 1000 do
printfn "%10d%10d%10d%10d%10d" (10100015-i) (i-100) (115+i) (99992/i) (i-8388229)
let x1, x2 = 3.141592654, 6.022E23
printfn "Printing floating point numbers %e %e" x1 x2
printfn "Printing floating point numbers %E %E" x1 x2
printfn "Printing floating point numbers %f %f" x1 x2
printfn "Printing floating point numbers %F %F" x1 x2
printfn "Printing floating point numbers %g %G" x1 x2
printfn "Using the width and precision modifiers: %10.5e %10.3e" x1 x2
printfn "Using the flags:\nZero Pad:|%010d| Plus:|%+10d |LeftJustify:|%-10d| SpacePad:|% d|" 1001 1001 1001 1001
printfn "zero pad | |+- both | |- and ' ' | |' ' and 0 | | normal "
for i in -115 .. 17 .. 100 do
printfn "|%010d| |%+-10d| |%- 10d| |% 010d| |%10d|" (80-i) (i+85) (100+i) (99992/i) (i-80)
let d = 0.124M
printfn "Decimal: %M" d
printfn "Print as object: %O %O %O %O" 12 1.1 "test" (fun x -> x + 1)
printfn "%A" [| 1; 2; 3 |]
printfn "Printing from a function (no args): %t" (fun writer -> writer.WriteLine("X"))
printfn "Printing from a function with arg: %a" (fun writer (value:int) -> writer.WriteLine("Printing {0}.", value)) 10
Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2
Informations de version
Versions de bibliothèque principale F#
Pris en charge dans : 2.0, 4.0