Partager via



Appelez cette fonction pour attacher une vue au document.


      void AddView(
   CView* pView 


  • pView
    Pointe vers la vue ajoutée.


Cette fonction ajoute la vue spécifiée à la liste des vues associées au document ; la fonction définit également le pointeur du document de la vue dans ce document.L'infrastructure appelle cette fonction en liant un objet de vue de création récente à un document ; cela se produit en réponse à un fichier nouvelle commande, de fichier ouvert, ou de nouvelle fenêtre ou lorsqu'une fenêtre fractionnée est fractionnée.

Appelez cette fonction uniquement si vous êtes manuellement la création et la liant une vue.En général vous laisserez l'infrastructure connecter des documents et des vues en définissant CDocTemplate objet pour associer une classe de document, une classe d'affichage, et une classe de fenêtre frame.

// The following example toggles two views in an SDI (single document
// interface) frame window. A design decision must be made as to
// whether to leave the inactive view connected to the document,
// such that the inactive view continues to receive OnUpdate
// notifications from the document. It is usually desirable to
// keep the inactive view continuously in sync with the document, even 
// though it is inactive. However, doing so incurs a performance cost,
// as well as the programming cost of implementing OnUpdate hints.
// It may be less expensive, in terms of performance and/or programming,
// to re-sync the inactive view with the document only with it is 
// reactivated. This example illustrates this latter approach, by 
// reconnecting the newly active view and disconnecting the newly 
// inactive view, via calls to CDocument::AddView and RemoveView.

void CMainFrame::OnViewChange(UINT nCmdID)
// There is an ON_COMMAND_RANGE message map entry associated with
// OnViewChange:
   CView* pViewAdd;
   CView* pViewRemove;
   CDocument* pDoc = GetActiveDocument();

   // cvView1 and cvView2 are enum members defined in my CMainFrame class
   if((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE1) && (m_currentView == cvView1))
   if((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2) && (m_currentView == cvView2))

   if (nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2)
      if (m_pView2 == NULL)
         m_pView1 = GetActiveView();
         m_pView2 = new CMyView2;

         //Note that if OnSize has been overridden in CMyView2 
         //and GetDocument() is used in this override it can 
         //cause assertions and, if the assertions are ignored,
         //cause access violation.

         m_pView2->Create(NULL, NULL, AFX_WS_DEFAULT_VIEW, rectDefault, this, 
            AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST + 1, NULL);
      pViewAdd = m_pView2;
      pViewRemove = m_pView1;
      m_currentView = cvView2;
      pViewAdd = m_pView1;
      pViewRemove = m_pView2;
      m_currentView = cvView1;

   // Set the child i.d. of the active view to AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST,
   // so that CFrameWnd::RecalcLayout will allocate to this 
   // "first pane" that portion of   the frame window's client area 
   // not allocated to control   bars.  Set the child i.d. of the 
   // other view to anything other than AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST; this
   // examples switches the child id's of the two views.

   int nSwitchChildID = pViewAdd->GetDlgCtrlID();

   // Show the newly active view and hide the inactive view.


   // Connect the newly active view to the document, and
   // disconnect the inactive view.


Configuration requise

Header: afxwin.h

Voir aussi

CDocument Class
Graphique hiérarchique
CDocTemplate Class