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Comment : implémenter une extension SOAP

Cette rubrique est spécifique à une technologie existante. Les services Web XML et les clients du service Web XML doivent à présent être créés à l'aide de Windows Communication Foundation.

L'exemple de code suivant est une extension SOAP qui enregistre les messages SOAP envoyés vers et depuis un service Web ou client de service Web. Si l'extension SOAP suivante est installée pour s'exécuter avec un service Web, le compte d'utilisateur ASPNET doit disposer d'une autorisation en écriture sur le répertoire dans lequel le fichier journal est créé.

Remarque : cette extension SOAP ne modifie pas le message SOAP. Par conséquent, elle ne nécessite pas d'être implémenté symétriquement sur le client et le serveur.


Imports System
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports System.IO

' Define a SOAP Extension that traces the SOAP request and SOAP response
' for the Web service method the SOAP extension is applied to.
Public Class TraceExtension
    Inherits SoapExtension
    Private oldStream As Stream
    Private newStream As Stream
    Private m_filename As String    
    ' Save the Stream representing the SOAP request or SOAP response into
    ' a local memory buffer.
    Public Overrides Function ChainStream(stream As Stream) As Stream
        oldStream = stream
        newStream = New MemoryStream()
        Return newStream
    End Function

    ' When the SOAP extension is accessed for the first time, the XML Web
    ' service method it is applied to is accessed to store the file
    ' name passed in, using the corresponding SoapExtensionAttribute.
    Public Overloads Overrides Function GetInitializer(methodInfo As _ 
        LogicalMethodInfo, _
      attribute As SoapExtensionAttribute) As Object 
      Return CType(attribute, TraceExtensionAttribute).Filename
    End Function

    ' The SOAP extension was configured to run using a configuration file
    ' instead of an attribute applied to a specific Web service
    ' method.  Return a file name based on the class implementing the Web
    ' Service's type.
    Public Overloads Overrides Function GetInitializer(WebServiceType As _
      Type) As Object
      ' Return a file name to log the trace information to, based on the
      ' type.
      Return "C:\" + WebServiceType.FullName + ".log"    
    End Function

    ' Receive the file name stored by GetInitializer and store it in a
    ' member variable for this specific instance.
    Public Overrides Sub Initialize(initializer As Object)
        m_filename= CStr(initializer)
    End Sub
    ' If the SoapMessageStage is such that the SoapRequest or SoapResponse
    ' is still in the SOAP format to be sent or received over the network,
    ' save it out to file.
    Public Overrides Sub ProcessMessage(message As SoapMessage)
        Select Case message.Stage
            Case SoapMessageStage.BeforeSerialize
            Case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize
            Case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize
            Case SoapMessageStage.AfterDeserialize
            Case Else
                Throw New Exception("invalid stage")
        End Select
    End Sub
    ' Write the SOAP message out to a file.
    Public Sub WriteOutput(message As SoapMessage)
        newStream.Position = 0
        Dim fs As New FileStream(m_filename, FileMode.Append, _
        Dim w As New StreamWriter(fs)
        w.WriteLine("-----Response at " + DateTime.Now.ToString())
        Copy(newStream, fs)
        newStream.Position = 0
        Copy(newStream, oldStream)
    End Sub    
    ' Write the SOAP message out to a file.
    Public Sub WriteInput(message As SoapMessage)
        Copy(oldStream, newStream)
        Dim fs As New FileStream(m_filename, FileMode.Append, _
        Dim w As New StreamWriter(fs)

        w.WriteLine("----- Request at " + DateTime.Now.ToString())
        newStream.Position = 0
        Copy(newStream, fs)
        newStream.Position = 0
    End Sub    
    Sub Copy(fromStream As Stream, toStream As Stream)        
        Dim reader As New StreamReader(fromStream)
        Dim writer As New StreamWriter(toStream)
    End Sub
End Class

' Create a SoapExtensionAttribute for our SOAP Extension that can be
' applied to a Web service method.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)> _
Public Class TraceExtensionAttribute
    Inherits SoapExtensionAttribute
    Private m_filename As String = "c:\log.txt"
    Private m_priority As Integer    
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ExtensionType() As Type
            Return GetType(TraceExtension)
        End Get
    End Property 
    Public Overrides Property Priority() As Integer
            Return m_priority
        End Get
            m_priority = value
        End Set
    End Property 
    Public Property Filename() As String
            Return m_filename
        End Get
            m_filename= value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class
  using System;
  using System.Web.Services;
  using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
  using System.IO;
  using System.Net;

  // Define a SOAP Extension that traces the SOAP request and SOAP
  // response for the Web service method the SOAP extension is
  // applied to.

  public class TraceExtension : SoapExtension 
    Stream oldStream;
    Stream newStream;
    string filename;

    // Save the Stream representing the SOAP request or SOAP response into
    // a local memory buffer.
    public override Stream ChainStream( Stream stream ){
        oldStream = stream;
        newStream = new MemoryStream();
        return newStream;

    // When the SOAP extension is accessed for the first time, the XML Web
    // service method it is applied to is accessed to store the file
    // name passed in, using the corresponding SoapExtensionAttribute.   
    public override object GetInitializer(LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo, SoapExtensionAttribute attribute) 
        return ((TraceExtensionAttribute) attribute).Filename;

    // The SOAP extension was configured to run using a configuration file
    // instead of an attribute applied to a specific Web service
    // method.
    public override object GetInitializer(Type WebServiceType) 
      // Return a file name to log the trace information to, based on the
      // type.
      return "C:\\" + WebServiceType.FullName + ".log";    

    // Receive the file name stored by GetInitializer and store it in a
    // member variable for this specific instance.
    public override void Initialize(object initializer) 
        filename = (string) initializer;

    //  If the SoapMessageStage is such that the SoapRequest or
    //  SoapResponse is still in the SOAP format to be sent or received,
    //  save it out to a file.
    public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message) 
        switch (message.Stage) {
        case SoapMessageStage.BeforeSerialize:
        case SoapMessageStage.AfterSerialize:
        case SoapMessageStage.BeforeDeserialize:
        case SoapMessageStage.AfterDeserialize:
             throw new Exception("invalid stage");

    public void WriteOutput(SoapMessage message){
        newStream.Position = 0;
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append,
        StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs);

      string soapString = (message is SoapServerMessage) ? "SoapResponse" : "SoapRequest";
        w.WriteLine("-----" + soapString + " at " + DateTime.Now);
        Copy(newStream, fs);
        newStream.Position = 0;
        Copy(newStream, oldStream);

    public void WriteInput(SoapMessage message){
        Copy(oldStream, newStream);
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append,
        StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(fs);

        string soapString = (message is SoapServerMessage) ?
                            "SoapRequest" : "SoapResponse";
        w.WriteLine("-----" + soapString + 
                    " at " + DateTime.Now);
        newStream.Position = 0;
        Copy(newStream, fs);
        newStream.Position = 0;

    void Copy(Stream from, Stream to) 
        TextReader reader = new StreamReader(from);
        TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(to);

   // Create a SoapExtensionAttribute for the SOAP Extension that can be
   // applied to a Web service method.
  public class TraceExtensionAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute {

    private string filename = "c:\\log.txt";
    private int priority;

    public override Type ExtensionType {
        get { return typeof(TraceExtension); }

    public override int Priority {
        get { return priority; }
        set { priority = value; }

    public string Filename {
        get {
            return filename;
        set {
            filename = value;

Voir aussi


Procédure pas à pas : altération du message SOAP à l'aide d'extensions SOAP




Modification de messages SOAP à l'aide d'extensions SOAP
Anatomie de la durée de vie d'un service Web XML
Création de clients de service Web XML

Autres ressources

Configuring Applications
Services Web XML utilisant ASP.NET