Comment : instancier et utiliser un WrapPanel dans du code
Mise à jour : novembre 2007
L'exemple de code suivant illustre comment instancier et utiliser un WrapPanel à l'aide de code. Trois éléments Button sont ajoutés comme Children du WrapPanel. Les éléments Button renvoient à la ligne suivante lorsqu'ils atteignent le bord du WrapPanel.
' Instantiate a new WrapPanel and set properties
Dim myWrapPanel As New WrapPanel()
myWrapPanel.Background = Brushes.Azure
myWrapPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
myWrapPanel.ItemHeight = 25
myWrapPanel.ItemWidth = 75
myWrapPanel.Width = 150
myWrapPanel.HorizontalAlignment = Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left
myWrapPanel.VerticalAlignment = Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top
' Define 3 button elements. Each button is sized at width of 75, so the third button wraps to the next line.
Dim btn1 As New Button()
btn1.Content = "Button 1"
Dim btn2 As New Button()
btn2.Content = "Button 2"
Dim btn3 As New Button()
btn3.Content = "Button 3"
' Add the buttons to the parent WrapPanel using the Children.Add method.
' Add the WrapPanel to the Page as Content
Me.Content = myWrapPanel
// Instantiate a new WrapPanel and set properties
myWrapPanel = new WrapPanel();
myWrapPanel.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Azure;
myWrapPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
myWrapPanel.ItemHeight = 25;
myWrapPanel.ItemWidth = 75;
myWrapPanel.Width = 150;
myWrapPanel.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
myWrapPanel.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
// Define 3 button elements. Each button is sized at width of 75, so the third button wraps to the next line.
btn1 = new Button();
btn1.Content = "Button 1";
btn2 = new Button();
btn2.Content = "Button 2";
btn3 = new Button();
btn3.Content = "Button 3";
// Add the buttons to the parent WrapPanel using the Children.Add method.
// Add the WrapPanel to the MainWindow as Content
mainWindow.Content = myWrapPanel;