Graphics and Drawing
The .NET Compact Framework provides core drawing features and graphic capabilities. This section describes techniques for graphical effects, workarounds for unsupported functionality, and how to improve performance.
In This Section
- Programming Graphics in the .NET Compact Framework
Lists considerations for drawing and graphics in the .NET Compact Framework.
- How to: Copy Images
Shows how to copy and save images.
- How to: Create a Zoom Effect
Describes using two bitmaps to create a zoom effect.
- How to: Display a Box Around Text
Shows how to draw a rectangle around a text string.
- How to: Display a Gradient Fill
Shows how to display a gradient fill between two colors in a custom control and in the form's background.
- How to: Draw Images Off-Screen
Shows how to construct an off-screen bitmap to increase performance before displaying.
- How to: Draw Images with Transparency
Shows how to use the limited transparency capabilities in the .NET Compact Framework.
- How to: Set a Background Image on a Form
Shows how to draw an image as the background for a form.
- How to: Use LockBits
Describes how you can improve performance by using the LockBits method.
- How to: Rotate Text
Shows how to use the LogFont class in the Microsoft.WindowsCE.Forms namespace.
Related Sections
- Mobile Direct3D Programming
Introduces managed Direct3D programming for devices. Microsoft Windows Mobile version 5.0 software for Pocket PCs or Smartphones is required.