Word Choice
Avoid using class names that duplicate commonly used .NET Framework namespaces. For example, do not use any of the following names as a class name: System, Collections, Forms, or UI. See the Class Library for a list of .NET Framework namespaces.
In addition, avoid using identifiers that conflict with the following keywords.
AddHandler | AddressOf | Alias | And | Ansi |
As | Assembly | Auto | Base | Boolean |
ByRef | Byte | ByVal | Call | Case |
Catch | CBool | CByte | CChar | CDate |
CDec | CDbl | Char | CInt | Class |
CLng | CObj | Const | CShort | CSng |
CStr | CType | Date | Decimal | Declare |
Default | Delegate | Dim | Do | Double |
Each | Else | ElseIf | End | Enum |
Erase | Error | Event | Exit | ExternalSource |
False | Finalize | Finally | Float | For |
Friend | Function | Get | GetType | Goto |
Handles | If | Implements | Imports | In |
Inherits | Integer | Interface | Is | Let |
Lib | Like | Long | Loop | Me |
Mod | Module | MustInherit | MustOverride | MyBase |
MyClass | Namespace | New | Next | Not |
Nothing | NotInheritable | NotOverridable | Object | On |
Option | Optional | Or | Overloads | Overridable |
Overrides | ParamArray | Preserve | Private | Property |
Protected | Public | RaiseEvent | ReadOnly | ReDim |
Region | REM | RemoveHandler | Resume | Return |
Select | Set | Shadows | Shared | Short |
Single | Static | Step | Stop | String |
Structure | Sub | SyncLock | Then | Throw |
To | True | Try | TypeOf | Unicode |
Until | volatile | When | While | With |
WithEvents | WriteOnly | Xor | eval | extends |
instanceof | package | var |
See Also
Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers | Naming Guidelines