AspExprRegex, classe
Fournit une expression régulière pour analyser un bloc d'expression ASP.NET.
Espace de noms : System.Web.RegularExpressions
Assembly : System.Web.RegularExpressions (dans system.web.regularexpressions.dll)
Public Class AspExprRegex
Inherits Regex
Implements ISerializable
Dim instance As AspExprRegex
public class AspExprRegex : Regex, ISerializable
public ref class AspExprRegex : public Regex, ISerializable
public class AspExprRegex extends Regex implements ISerializable
public class AspExprRegex extends Regex implements ISerializable
La classe AspExprRegex fournit une expression régulière pour analyser un bloc d'expression ASP.NET (<%= … %>).
Les classes System.Web.RegularExpressions sont conçues pour permettre au .NET Framework d'analyser les pages ASP.NET et ne conviennent pas toujours pour les applications générales. Par exemple, beaucoup de ces classes correspondent uniquement au début d'une chaîne.
L'exemple de code suivant illustre l'utilisation de la classe AspExprRegex.
' This example demonstrates the System.Web.RegularExpressions
' constructors.
' Each regular expression class is used to match an appropriate
' string. Note that the System.Web.RegularExpressions classes
' are intended for internal use and are not always practical for
' general applications. In particular, many of these regular
' expressions match only the beginning of a string.
Imports System
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Web.RegularExpressions
Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim str1A As String = "<%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%> Initial pattern."
Dim str1B As String = "Embedded pattern. <%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%>"
Dim str02 As String = "<% CODE BLOCK %>"
Dim str03 As String = "<%= EXPRESSION BLOCK %>"
Dim str04 As String = "<%# DATA BINDING EXPRESSION %>"
Dim str05 As String = "<%@ DIRECTIVE %>"
Dim str06 As String = "</END_TAG> xyz"
Dim str07 As String = "GREATER THAN >"
Dim str08 As String = "< LESS THAN"
' Include directive.
Dim str09 As String = "<!-- #include file=""filename.ext"" -->"
' runat="server" attribute.
Dim str10 As String = "<script runat=""server"" language=""codelanguage"" src=""pathname"">"
Dim str11 As String = "<% SERVER TAG %>"
Dim str12 As String = "abc defg hi jkl <%-- TEXTREGEX --%> mno pqr"
Dim str13 As String = "<%# DATA BINDING %>"
Dim str14 As String = "<asp:TAG> ... </asp:TAG>"
Dim str15 As String = "<%@ SIMPLE DIRECTIVE %>"
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
' Demonstrate that a pattern must occur at the beginning of the
' string. That is, the entire string is not scanned for the pattern.
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim cr As New CommentRegex()
Display(cr, str1A)
Display(cr, str1B)
' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Display(New AspCodeRegex(), str02)
Display(New AspExprRegex(), str03)
Display(New DatabindExprRegex(), str04)
Display(New DirectiveRegex(), str05)
Display(New EndTagRegex(), str06)
Display(New GTRegex(), str07)
Display(New LTRegex(), str08)
Display(New IncludeRegex(), str09)
Display(New RunatServerRegex(), str10)
Display(New ServerTagsRegex(), str11)
Display(New TextRegex(), str12)
Display(New DataBindRegex(), str13)
Display(New TagRegex(), str14)
Display(New SimpleDirectiveRegex(), str15)
End Sub 'Main
Protected Shared Sub Display(ByVal r As Regex, ByVal s As String)
Console.WriteLine("Input: ""{0}""", s)
Dim m As Match = r.Match(s)
If m.Success Then
Console.WriteLine("Match: ""{0}""", m.Value)
Console.WriteLine("There is no match.")
End If
End Sub 'Display
End Class 'Sample
'This code example produces the following results:
'Input: "<%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%> Initial pattern."
'Match: "<%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%>"
'Input: "Embedded pattern. <%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%>"
'There is no match.
'Input: "<% CODE BLOCK %>"
'Match: "<% CODE BLOCK %>"
'Input: "<%= EXPRESSION BLOCK %>"
'Match: "<%= EXPRESSION BLOCK %>"
'Input: "<%@ DIRECTIVE %>"
'Match: "<%@ DIRECTIVE %>"
'Input: "</END_TAG> xyz"
'Match: "</END_TAG>"
'Input: "GREATER THAN >"
'Match: " >"
'Input: "< LESS THAN"
'Match: "< "
'Input: "<!-- #include file="filename.ext" -->"
'Match: "<!-- #include file="filename.ext" -->"
'Input: "<script runat="server" language="codelanguage" src="pathname">"
'Match: "runat="server"
'Input: "<% SERVER TAG %>"
'Match: "<% SERVER TAG %>"
'Input: "abc defg hi jkl <%-- TEXTREGEX --%> mno pqr"
'Match: "abc defg hi jkl "
'Input: "<%# DATA BINDING %>"
'Match: "<%# DATA BINDING %>"
'Input: "<asp:TAG> ... </asp:TAG>"
'Match: "<asp:TAG>"
'Input: "<%@ SIMPLE DIRECTIVE %>"
'Match: "<%@ SIMPLE DIRECTIVE %>"
// This example demonstrates the System.Web.RegularExpressions
// constructors.
// Each regular expression class is used to match an appropriate
// string. Note that the System.Web.RegularExpressions classes
// are intended for internal use and are not always practical for
// general applications. In particular, many of these regular
// expressions match only the beginning of a string.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web.RegularExpressions;
class Sample
public static void Main()
string str1A = "<%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%> Initial pattern.";
string str1B = "Embedded pattern. <%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%>";
string str02 = "<% CODE BLOCK %>";
string str03 = "<%= EXPRESSION BLOCK %>";
string str04 = "<%# DATA BINDING EXPRESSION %>";
string str05 = "<%@ DIRECTIVE %>";
string str06 = "</END_TAG> xyz";
string str07 = "GREATER THAN >";
string str08 = "< LESS THAN";
// Include directive.
string str09 = @"<!-- #include file=""filename.ext"" -->";
// runat="server" attribute.
string str10 = @"<script runat=""server"" " +
@"language=""codelanguage"" src=""pathname"">";
string str11 = "<% SERVER TAG %>";
string str12 = "abc defg hi jkl <%-- TEXTREGEX --%> mno pqr";
string str13 = "<%# DATA BINDING %>";
string str14 = "<asp:TAG> ... </asp:TAG>";
string str15 = "<%@ SIMPLE DIRECTIVE %>";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Demonstrate that a pattern must occur at the beginning of the
// string. That is, the entire string is not scanned for the pattern.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
CommentRegex cr = new CommentRegex();
Display(cr, str1A);
Display(cr, str1B);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
Display(new AspCodeRegex(), str02);
Display(new AspExprRegex(), str03);
Display(new DatabindExprRegex(), str04);
Display(new DirectiveRegex(), str05);
Display(new EndTagRegex(), str06);
Display(new GTRegex(), str07);
Display(new LTRegex(), str08);
Display(new IncludeRegex(), str09);
Display(new RunatServerRegex(), str10);
Display(new ServerTagsRegex(), str11);
Display(new TextRegex(), str12);
Display(new DataBindRegex(), str13);
Display(new TagRegex(), str14);
Display(new SimpleDirectiveRegex(), str15);
protected static void Display(Regex r, string s)
Console.WriteLine("Input: \"{0}\"", s);
Match m = r.Match(s);
if (m.Success)
Console.WriteLine("Match: \"{0}\"", m.Value);
Console.WriteLine("There is no match.");
This code example produces the following results:
Input: "<%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%> Initial pattern."
Match: "<%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%>"
Input: "Embedded pattern. <%-- COMMENT BLOCK --%>"
There is no match.
Input: "<% CODE BLOCK %>"
Match: "<% CODE BLOCK %>"
Input: "<%= EXPRESSION BLOCK %>"
Match: "<%= EXPRESSION BLOCK %>"
Input: "<%@ DIRECTIVE %>"
Match: "<%@ DIRECTIVE %>"
Input: "</END_TAG> xyz"
Match: "</END_TAG>"
Match: " >"
Input: "< LESS THAN"
Match: "< "
Input: "<!-- #include file="filename.ext" -->"
Match: "<!-- #include file="filename.ext" -->"
Input: "<script runat="server" language="codelanguage" src="pathname">"
Match: "runat="server"
Input: "<% SERVER TAG %>"
Match: "<% SERVER TAG %>"
Input: "abc defg hi jkl <%-- TEXTREGEX --%> mno pqr"
Match: "abc defg hi jkl "
Input: "<%# DATA BINDING %>"
Match: "<%# DATA BINDING %>"
Input: "<asp:TAG> ... </asp:TAG>"
Match: "<asp:TAG>"
Input: "<%@ SIMPLE DIRECTIVE %>"
Match: "<%@ SIMPLE DIRECTIVE %>"
Hiérarchie d'héritage
Sécurité des threads
Les membres statiques publics (Shared en Visual Basic) de ce type sont thread-safe. Il n'est pas garanti que les membres d'instance soient thread-safe.
Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Édition Media Center, Windows XP Professionnel Édition x64, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition
Le .NET Framework ne prend pas en charge toutes les versions de chaque plate-forme. Pour obtenir la liste des versions prises en charge, consultez Configuration requise.
Informations de version
.NET Framework
Prise en charge dans : 2.0, 1.1, 1.0
Voir aussi
Membres AspExprRegex
System.Web.RegularExpressions, espace de noms
Regex, classe