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hash_multimap::end (STL/CLR)


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The latest version of this topic can be found at hash_multimap::end (STL/CLR).

Designates the end of the controlled sequence.


iterator end();  


The member function returns a bidirectional iterator that points just beyond the end of the controlled sequence. You use it to obtain an iterator that designates the end of the controlled sequence; its status doesn not change if the length of the controlled sequence changes.


// cliext_hash_multimap_end.cpp   
// compile with: /clr   
#include <cliext/hash_map>   
typedef cliext::hash_multimap<wchar_t, int> Myhash_multimap;   
int main()   
    Myhash_multimap c1;   
    c1.insert(Myhash_multimap::make_value(L'a', 1));   
    c1.insert(Myhash_multimap::make_value(L'b', 2));   
    c1.insert(Myhash_multimap::make_value(L'c', 3));   
// display contents " [a 1] [b 2] [c 3]"   
    for each (Myhash_multimap::value_type elem in c1)   
        System::Console::Write(" [{0} {1}]", elem->first, elem->second);   
// inspect last two items   
    Myhash_multimap::iterator it = c1.end();   
    System::Console::WriteLine("*-- --end() = [{0} {1}]",   
        it->first, it->second);   
    System::Console::WriteLine("*--end() = [{0} {1}]",   
        it->first, it->second);   
    return (0);   
 [a 1] [b 2] [c 3]  
*-- --end
() = [b 2]  
() = [c 3]  


Header: <cliext/hash_map>

Namespace: cliext

See Also

hash_multimap (STL/CLR)
hash_multimap::begin (STL/CLR)