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IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 : : suppression

Supprime ce point d'arrêt en attente et tous les points d'arrêt liés de lui.

HRESULT Delete( 
int Delete();

Valeur de retour

En cas de réussite, retourne S_OK; sinon, retourne un code d'erreur. Retourne E_BP_DELETED si le point d'arrêt a été supprimé.


L'exemple suivant indique comment appliquer cette méthode d'un objet simple d' CPendingBreakpoint qui implémente l'interface d' IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 .

HRESULT CPendingBreakpoint::Delete(void)  
   HRESULT hr;  
   // Verify that the pending breakpoint has not been deleted. If deleted,  
   // then return hr = E_BP_DELETED.  
   if (m_state.state != PBPS_DELETED)  
      // If the pending breakpoint has bound and has an associated bound 
      // breakpoint, delete and release the bound breakpoint and set the 
      // pointer to NULL.  
      if (m_pBoundBP)  
         m_pBoundBP = NULL;  
      // If the pending breakpoint did not bind and has an associated 
      // error breakpoint, release the error breakpoint and set the 
      // pointer to NULL. 
      if (m_pErrorBP)  
         m_pErrorBP = NULL;  
      // Set the PENDING_BP_STATE in the PENDING_BP_STATE_INFO structure 
      // to deleted.   
      m_state.state = PBPS_DELETED;  
      hr = E_BP_DELETED;  
   return hr;  

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