Partager via

NodeShape.AbsoluteBoundsDomainPropertyId, champ

GUID utilisé pour identifier la propriété de domaine AbsoluteBounds.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams
Assembly :  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Diagrams.12.0 (dans Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Sdk.Diagrams.12.0.dll)


Public Shared ReadOnly AbsoluteBoundsDomainPropertyId As Guid
public static readonly Guid AbsoluteBoundsDomainPropertyId


Utilisez cette opération dans ChangeRule pour répondre aux changements des limites absolues. Une règle de modification est effectuée dans la transaction qui a déclenché la règle, généralement juste avant la fin de la transaction.


  // This rule responds to changes in location and size of MyShape, 
  // which is declared in DSL Definition.
  public sealed class MyShapeMoveRule : ChangeRule
    public override void ElementPropertyChanged(ElementPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
      MyShape shape = e.ModelElement as MyShape;
      if (shape == null) return;
      if (shape.Store.InSerializationTransaction) return;
      if (!shape.IsNestedChild) return;
      if (e.DomainProperty.Id == NodeShape.AbsoluteBoundsDomainPropertyId)
          shape.ParentShape.NestedChildShapes.Count - 1);
        // this.Diagram.NeedsRenumber should be set after
        // re-ordering the child shapes. It should also be
        // set after the user invokes Undo or Redo; but 
        // the rule is not called in Undo or Redo. 
        // So instead, we will put the NeedsRenumber call
        // in an override of OnAbsoluteBoundsChanged, which
        // is always called.
  // Register the rule.
  partial class InstanceDiagramsDomainModel
    protected override Type[] GetCustomDomainModelTypes()
      List<Type> types = new List<Type>(base.GetCustomDomainModelTypes());
      return types.ToArray();

  partial class MyShape // Declared in DSL Definition
    // Called even in Undo or Redo. 
    public override void OnAbsoluteBoundsChanged(AbsoluteBoundsChangedEventArgs e)
      this.Diagram.NeedsRenumber = true;

Sécurité .NET Framework

Voir aussi


NodeShape Classe

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams, espace de noms

Autres ressources

Propagation et réponse aux modifications en attente