Radio fxRadio (
S’applique à : Windows Azure Pack
fxRadio crée un ensemble de cases d’option dans le style d’infrastructure.
Services pris en charge
Service |
Pris en charge |
Annuler/Rétablir |
Oui |
Validation |
Non |
Nom |
Description |
Retours |
Paramètres |
fx.fxRadio.destroy |
Détruit le widget |
Rien |
None |
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<title>Simple Text Box Examples</title>
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<script src="/Scripts/_oss/knockout-2.1.0.js"></script>
<!-- fx shell scripts -->
<script src="/Scripts/UxFxScript.js"></script>
<!-- Sample HTML code -->
<div id="sampleHTMLCodeContainer">
<button id="EnableButton">Enable</button>
<button id="DisableButton">Disable</button><br />
Current value on changed: <span id="CurrentValueOnChangedSpan" ></span><br />
Current value on demand: <span id="CurrentValueOnDemandSpan" ></span><button id="CurrentValueButton">Get</button><br />
Select this value: <input id="SelectValueTextBox" type="text" style="width:55px" /><button id="SelectValueButton">Select</button><br />
<button id="RevertButton">Revert to Original Value</button><br />
<button id="UpdateInitialValueButton">Update Initial Value</button><br />
<input id="TrackEditCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked="checked" /> Track Edit
<br />
<div id="sample-radio" class="radio pushbutton"></div>
<!-- Workaround IE9 cache issue where it doesn't like to lonely spans that only have text changing-->
<div id="MessageSpanContainer"><span id="MessageSpan" style="color:Green">Not Edited</span></div>
<!-- Sample Script Code -->
<div id="sampleScriptCodeContainer">
<script type="text/javascript">
//helper to get the selected value
var getSelectedValue = function() {
return $("#sample-radio").fxRadio("value");
//List data for our radio buttons
var sizes = [
{ text: "1GB", value: "1GB" },
{ text: "5GB", value: "5GB" },
{ text: "10GB", value: "10GB" },
{ text: "25GB", value: "25GB" },
{ text: "50GB", value: "50GB" },
{ text: "100GB", value: "100GB" },
{ text: "150GB", value: "150GB" },
{ text: "200GB", value: "200GB" }
//Initialize the controls and buttons
$("#EnableButton").click(function() {
$("#DisableButton").click(function() {
//Get the current selected value of the radio button
$("#CurrentValueButton").click(function() {
//Select the given value
$("#SelectValueButton").click(function() {
var updatedValue = $.grep(sizes, function(n, i) {
return n.value === $("#SelectValueTextBox").val();
$("#sample-radio").fxRadio("option", "value", updatedValue);
//Reset to the default value
$("#RevertButton").click(function() {
//Update the default value
$("#UpdateInitialValueButton").click(function() {
//Bind to any changes to the radio button value
$("#sample-radio").bind("change.fxcontrol", function() {
$("#MessageSpan").html($(this).fxEditableControl("hasEditedControls") ? "<span id='MessageSpan' style='color:Red;font-weight:bold'>Edited</span>" : "<span id='MessageSpan' style='color:Green;font-weight:normal'>Not Edited</span>");
//track changes or not
$("#TrackEditCheckbox").change(function() {
$("#sample-radio").fxRadio("option", "trackedit", $("#TrackEditCheckbox").is(':checked') ? true : false);
value: sizes[3], //default value
values: sizes, //list of values to display
change: function(event, args) { //bind to change event
Voir aussi
Windows Azure Pack Extension Common Control Services
Windows extensions d’interface utilisateur du portail d’administration Azure Pack