Retourne le logarithme naturel d'un nombre complexe.
template<class Type>
complex<Type> log(
const complex<Type>& _ComplexNum
- _ComplexNum
Le nombre complexe dont le logarithme népérien est déterminé.
Valeur de retour
Le nombre complexe qui est le logarithme népérien du nombre complexe d'entrée.
Les secteurs de branches sont le long de l'axe vrai négatif.
// complex_log.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
complex <double> c1 ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
cout << "Complex number c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// Values of log of a complex number c1
complex <double> c2 = log ( c1 );
cout << "Complex number c2 = log ( c1 ) = " << c2 << endl;
double absc2 = abs ( c2 );
double argc2 = arg ( c2 );
cout << "The modulus of c2 is: " << absc2 << endl;
cout << "The argument of c2 is: "<< argc2 << " radians, which is "
<< argc2 * 180 / pi << " degrees." << endl << endl;
// log of the standard angles
// in the first two quadrants of the complex plane
vector <complex <double> > v1;
vector <complex <double> >::iterator Iter1;
complex <double> vc1 ( polar (1.0, pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc1 ) );
complex <double> vc2 ( polar (1.0, pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc2 ) );
complex <double> vc3 ( polar (1.0, pi / 2) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc3) );
complex <double> vc4 ( polar (1.0, 2 * pi / 3) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc4 ) );
complex <double> vc5 ( polar (1.0, 5 * pi / 6) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc5 ) );
complex <double> vc6 ( polar (1.0, pi ) );
v1.push_back( log ( vc6 ) );
cout << "The complex components log (vci), where abs (vci) = 1 "
<< "\n& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:\n" ;
for ( Iter1 = v1.begin() ; Iter1 != v1.end() ; Iter1++ )
cout << *Iter1 << " " << endl;
Résultat de l'exemple
Complex number c1 = (3,4)
Complex number c2 = log ( c1 ) = (1.60944,0.927295)
The modulus of c2 is: 1.85746
The argument of c2 is: 0.522706 radians, which is 29.9489 degrees.
The complex components log (vci), where abs (vci) = 1
& arg (vci) = i * pi / 6 of the vector v1 are:
Configuration requise
**En-tête :**complexe <de >
Espace de noms : std