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Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook Namespace


The Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook namespace provides classes that allow you to create and access PIM data items (Appointments, Tasks, and Contacts), and MAPI messaging items (e-mail and SMS messages), on mobile devices running Windows Mobile Classic and Windows Mobile Standard.


Class Description
Account Defines a generic messaging account. This is the base class for EmailAccount and SmsAccount.
Appointment Defines an Appointment item in the Appointment collection. Appointments are blocks of time that appear in the Outlook calendar. They can have beginning and ending times, can repeat, can have a location; and become Meetings when scheduled (sent) to recipients (Contacts).
AppointmentCollection Represents the collection of Appointment items in an Appointment (Calendar) folder.
AppointmentCollection.AppointmentCollectionEnumerator An enumerator for iterating through the AppointmentCollection object.
AppointmentFolder Defines a folder (the Calendar Folder) for storing the collection of Appointment objects.
AppointmentRecurrence Defines a recurrence pattern and applies it to an Appointment.
Attachment an individual attachment
AttachmentCollection attachments collection for email or mms messages
AttachmentCollectionEnumerator The enumerator class for the Recipient Collection.
Contact Represents a Contact item in the Contact collection. Contacts represent information records on friends, colleagues, acquaintances, or even a company. They can be used for a variety of purposes (for example, addressing mail, e-mail, and text messages). A sizable Contact collection containing richly populated Contact items, is an enormously powerful database.
ContactCollection Represents the collection of Contact items in a Contact folder.
ContactCollection.ContactCollectionEnumerator Represents the Contact collection enumerator. Used to iterate through the Contact collection.
ContactFolder Defines the Contact folder. This is the container for the Contact collection.
EmailAccount Represents an Outlook Mobile e-mail account.
EmailAccountCollection Defines the set of all e-mail accounts that are currently configured on the mobile device.
EmailAccountCollectionEnumerator Initializes a new instance of the EmailAccountCollectionEnumerator class.
EmailMessage Represents an e-mail message. The EMailMessage class inherits from the Message class.
Folder Defines the generic base class for specialized folders containing item collections based on the PimItemCollection class.
InvalidSmsRecipientException The exception that is thrown when the Recipient address for the SMS message is invalid.
ItemId Defines the Item ID, which is used to uniquely identify PIM and Messaging items.
Message Defines the Item ID and the Recipient, as well as the opening and creation methods for e-mail and text messages.
MessagingApplication Provides automation of the messaging application’s user interface.
OutlookSession Represents the Outlook Mobile application object.
PimItem Defines information about each PIM item in the Outlook session, such as the ItemID property that uniquely identifies PimItems.
PimItemCollection Defines container operations (for example, adding, removing, and sorting items), along with state information (for example, references to the containing folder, whether the collection is sorted, etc.) about generic PIM item collections.
PimItemCollection.PimItemCollectionEnumerator Defines an enumerator for iterating through PIM item collections.
PimPropertySet Defines a set of custom PIM properties.
PocketOutlookException The generic exception that is thrown by Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook methods.
Recipient Defines a Recipient for Meeting requests and MAPI messages.
RecipientCollection The collection of Recipients for Meeting requests and MAPI messages.
RecipientCollectionEnumerator Defines an enumerator for iterating through Recipient collections.
Recurrence Defines a recurrence pattern that can be applied to Tasks, Appointments, Events, and Meetings.
ServiceCenterException The exception that is thrown when an SMSC error occurs while sending the SMS message.
SmsAccount Provides access to a Outlook Mobile Short Message Service (SMS) account, the account's SMS folders, and the SMS messages they contain.
SmsException The exception that is thrown after a failed attempt to send an SMS message (that is, whenever the function SmsMessage.Send fails).
SmsMessage Represents a Short Message Service (SMS) message.
Task Defines a Task item in the Task collection. Tasks represent actionable "ToDo" items that can be prioritized (using Low, Normal, and High), delegated (by creating a Task Request, or using Assign Task), and completed (using % Complete).
TaskCollection Represents the collection of Task items in the Task folder.
TaskCollection.TaskCollectionEnumerator Represents the Task collection enumerator. Used to iterate through the Task collection.
TaskFolder Defines the Task folder. This is container for the Task collection.
TaskRecurrence Defines a recurrence pattern and applies it to a Task.


Enumeration Description
AppointmentProperty This enumeration defines the set of Appointment object properties.
DaysOfWeek Specifies the days of the week used in a recurrence pattern.
Importance Specifies importance levels (Low, Normal, and High) for Tasks.
MeetingStatus Specifies whether an Appointment is a Meeting, and if so, specifies its status. The default value is NotMeeting (just an Appointment).
Month Specifies the months (from 1 to 12) used in a recurrence pattern.
PimPropertyFlags Specifies constants that define custom properties flags.
RecurrenceType Specifies the type of recurrence pattern assigned to Tasks, Appointments, Events, and Meetings. This type indicates when and how often the item repeats.
Sensitivity Specifies the sensitivity level assigned to Appointment and Task items. The default value is Normal.
TaskProperty This enumeration defines the set of Task object properties.
WeekOfMonth Specifies the weeks of any month (from 1 to 5), used in a recurrence pattern.