Using Enumerations
The Visual J# compiler allows you to use enumerations defined in the .NET Framework or other user-defined assemblies. Enumerations are treated as reference types by default. Enumerations can be cast to and from their underlying primitive types. They can also be assigned to Object, in which case the compiler implicitly performs the necessary boxing.
import System.*;
public class MyClass
public static void main()
DayOfWeek friday = DayOfWeek.Friday;
// Call a method that has a parameter of type DayOfWeek
TestClass mySchedule = new TestClass();
// convert an enum to its underlying primitive:
int i = (int) friday;
// OK to cast a primitive type to enum:
DayOfWeek monday = (DayOfWeek) 1;
// following line automatically boxes enum friday
// to System.Object:
System.Object obj = friday;
public class TestClass
public void SetNonWorkingDay(DayOfWeek dow)
5 Monday Friday
Applying bitwise operators (|, &, ^) to enumeration types is allowed. The following code performs a bitwise-OR operation on System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles
in a call to CheckBox.set_Anchor
CheckBox.set_Anchor(AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom)
See Also
enum Keyword
Syntax for Targeting the .NET Framework
Property and Event Exposure