Compiler Error C2316
Error Message
'exception' : cannot be caught as the destructor and/or copy constructor are inaccessible
An exception was caught by value or by reference but the copy constructor and/or the assignment operator were inaccessible.
This code was accepted by the previous version's compiler but now gives an error. For more information, see Summary of Compile-Time Breaking Changes.
The following sample generates C2316:
// C2316.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" int printf_s(const char*, ...);
struct B
B() {}
// Delete the following line to resolve.
// copy constructor
B(const B&)
void f(const B&)
int main()
B aB;
catch (B b) { // C2316
printf_s("Caught an exception!\n");