Compiler Warning (level 1) C4350
Error Message
behavior change: 'member1' called instead of 'member2'
An rvalue cannot be bound to a non-const reference. In previous versions of Visual C++, it was possible to bind an rvalue to a non-const reference in a direct initialization. This code now gives a warning.
For backward compatibility, it is still possible to bind rvalues to non-const references, but standard conversions are preferred wherever possible.
This warning represents a change of behavior from the Visual C++ .NET 2002 compiler. If enabled, this warning could possibly be given for correct code. For example, it could be given when using the std::auto_ptr class template.
If you get this warning, examine your code to see if it depends on binding rvalues to non-const references. Adding a const to the reference or providing a additional const-reference overload may solve the problem.
This warning is off by default. For more information, see Compiler Warnings That Are Off by Default.
The following sample generates C4350:
// C4350.cpp
// compile with: /W1
#pragma warning (default : 4350)
class A {};
class B
// try the following instead
// B(const B&){}
operator A(){ return A();}
B source() { return A(); }
int main()
B ap(source()); // C4350