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Exemple GetProcessSample05

Cet exemple montre une version complète de l’applet de commande Get-Proc.

Comment générer l’exemple à l’aide de Visual Studio.

  1. Ouvrez l’Explorateur Windows et accédez au répertoire GetProcessSample05 sous le répertoire Samples.

    Une fois le Kit de développement logiciel (SDK) Windows PowerShell 2.0 installé, accédez au dossier GetProcessSample05. L’emplacement par défaut est C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\sysmgmt\WindowsPowerShell\csharp\GetProcessSample05.

  2. Double-cliquez sur l’icône du fichier de solution (.sln). L’exemple de projet s’ouvre dans Visual Studio.

  3. Dans le menu Générer, sélectionnez Générer la solution pour générer la bibliothèque pour l’exemple dans les dossiers \bin ou \bin\debug par défaut.

Comment exécuter l’exemple

  1. Créez le dossier de module suivant :


  2. Copiez l’exemple d’assembly dans le dossier du module.

  3. Démarrez Windows PowerShell.

  4. Exécutez la commande suivante pour charger l’assembly dans Windows PowerShell :

    Import-Module getprossessample05

  5. Exécutez la commande suivante pour exécuter l’applet de commande :



Cet exemple nécessite Windows PowerShell 2.0.

Montre ce qui suit

Cet exemple illustre ce qui suit.

  • Déclaration d’une classe d’applet de commande à l’aide de l’attribut Cmdlet.

  • Déclaration d’un paramètre d’applet de commande à l’aide de l’attribut Parameter.

  • Spécification de positions pour les paramètres.

  • Spécifier que les paramètres peuvent prendre l’entrée à partir du pipeline. L’entrée peut être extraite d’un objet ou d’une valeur d’une propriété d’un objet dont le nom de propriété est identique au nom du paramètre.

  • Déclaration d’un attribut de validation pour l’entrée de paramètre.

  • Gestion des erreurs et des exceptions.

  • Écriture de messages de débogage.

Exemple :

Cet exemple montre comment créer une applet de commande qui affiche une liste de processus spécifiés.

namespace Microsoft.Samples.PowerShell.Commands
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Management.Automation;    // Windows PowerShell namespace.
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using Win32Exception = System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception;
    #region GetProcCommand

    /// <summary>
   /// This class implements the Get-Proc cmdlet.
   /// </summary>
   [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "Proc",
      DefaultParameterSetName = "ProcessName")]
   public class GetProcCommand : PSCmdlet
       #region Fields
       /// <summary>
       /// The names of the processes to act on.
       /// </summary>
       private string[] processNames;

       /// <summary>
       /// The identifiers of the processes to act on.
       /// </summary>
       private int[] processIds;

       /// <summary>
       /// The process objects to act on.
       /// </summary>
       private Process[] inputObjects;

       #endregion Fields

       #region Parameters

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets the list of process names on
      /// which the Get-Proc cmdlet will work.
      /// </summary>
         Position = 0,
         ParameterSetName = "ProcessName",
         ValueFromPipeline = true,
         ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true)]
      public string[] Name
         get { return this.processNames; }
         set { this.processNames = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets the list of process identifiers on
      /// which the Get-Proc cmdlet will work.
      /// </summary>
         ParameterSetName = "Id",
         Mandatory = true,
         ValueFromPipeline = true,
         ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
         HelpMessage = "The unique id of the process to get.")]
      public int[] Id
         get { return this.processIds; }
         set { this.processIds = value; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets Process objects directly. If the input is a
      /// stream of [collection of] Process objects, the cmdlet bypasses the
      /// ProcessName and Id parameters and reads the Process objects
      /// directly.  This allows the cmdlet to deal with processes that have
      /// wildcard characters in their name.
      /// <value>Process objects</value>
      /// </summary>
         ParameterSetName = "InputObject",
         Mandatory = true,
         ValueFromPipeline = true)]
      public Process[] Input
         get { return this.inputObjects; }
         set { this.inputObjects = value; }

      #endregion Parameters

      #region Cmdlet Overrides

      /// <summary>
      /// The ProcessRecord method calls the Process.GetProcesses
      /// method to retrieve the processes. Then, the WriteObject
      /// method writes the associated processes to the pipeline.
      /// </summary>
      protected override void ProcessRecord()
         List<Process> matchingProcesses;

         WriteDebug("Obtaining the list of matching process objects.");

         switch (ParameterSetName)
            case "Id":
               matchingProcesses = this.GetMatchingProcessesById();
            case "ProcessName":
               matchingProcesses = this.GetMatchingProcessesByName();
            case "InputObject":
               matchingProcesses = this.GetProcessesByInput();
                   new ErrorRecord(
                       new ArgumentException("Bad ParameterSetName"),
         } // switch (ParameterSetName)

         WriteDebug("Outputting the matching process objects.");


         foreach (Process process in matchingProcesses)
      } // ProcessRecord

      #endregion Overrides

      #region protected Methods and Data

      /// <summary>
      /// Retrieves the list of all processes matching the ProcessName
      /// parameter and generates a non-terminating error for each
      /// specified process name which is not found even though the name
      /// contains no wildcards.
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>The matching processes.</returns>
         Unrestricted = true)]
      private List<Process> GetMatchingProcessesByName()
         new EnvironmentPermission(

         List<Process> allProcesses =
            new List<Process>(Process.GetProcesses());

         // The keys dictionary is used for rapid lookup of
         // processes that are already in the matchingProcesses list.
         Dictionary<int, byte> keys = new Dictionary<int, byte>();

         List<Process> matchingProcesses = new List<Process>();

         if (null == this.processNames)
             foreach (string pattern in this.processNames)
                 WriteVerbose("Finding matches for process name \""
                    + pattern + "\".");

                 // WildCard search on the available processes
                 WildcardPattern wildcard =
                    new WildcardPattern(

                 bool found = false;

                 foreach (Process process in allProcesses)
                     if (!keys.ContainsKey(process.Id))
                         string processName = SafeGetProcessName(process);

                         // Remove the process from the allProcesses list
                         // so that it is not tested again.
                         if (processName.Length == 0)

                         // Perform a wildcard search on this particular
                         // process name and check whether it matches the
                         // pattern specified.
                         if (!wildcard.IsMatch(processName))

                         WriteDebug("Found matching process id "
                            + process.Id + ".");

                         // A match is found.
                         found = true;

                         // Store the process identifier so that the same process
                         // is not added twice.
                         keys.Add(process.Id, 0);

                         // Add the process to the processes list.
                 } // foreach (Process...

                 if (!found &&
                     WriteError(new ErrorRecord(
                        new ArgumentException("Cannot find process name "
                           + "\"" + pattern + "\"."),
             } // foreach (string...
         } // if (null...

         return matchingProcesses;
      } // GetMatchingProcessesByName

      /// <summary>
      /// Returns the name of a process.  If an error occurs, a blank
      /// string is returned.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="process">The process whose name is
      /// returned.</param>
      /// <returns>The name of the process.</returns>
         SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Unrestricted = true)]
      protected static string SafeGetProcessName(Process process)
         new EnvironmentPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();
         string name = String.Empty;

         if (process != null)
                return process.ProcessName;
            catch (Win32Exception)
            catch (InvalidOperationException)

         return name;
     } // SafeGetProcessName

      #endregion Cmdlet Overrides

      #region Private Methods

      /// <summary>
      /// Function to sort by process name first, and then by
      /// the process identifier.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="x">First process object.</param>
      /// <param name="y">Second process object.</param>
      /// <returns>
      /// Returns less than zero if x is less than y,
      /// greater than 0 if x is greater than y, and 0 if x == y.
      /// </returns>
      private static int ProcessComparison(Process x, Process y)
         int diff = String.Compare(

         if (0 != diff)
             return diff;
             return x.Id.CompareTo(y.Id);

      /// <summary>
      /// Retrieves the list of all processes matching the Id
      /// parameter and generates a non-terminating error for
      /// each specified process identifier which is not found.
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>
      /// An array of processes that match the given identifier.
      /// </returns>
         Unrestricted = true)]
      private List<Process> GetMatchingProcessesById()
         new EnvironmentPermission(

         List<Process> matchingProcesses = new List<Process>();

         if (null != this.processIds)
            // The keys dictionary is used for rapid lookup of the
            // processes already in the matchingProcesses list.
            Dictionary<int, byte> keys = new Dictionary<int, byte>();

            foreach (int processId in this.processIds)
               WriteVerbose("Finding match for process id "
                  + processId + ".");

               if (!keys.ContainsKey(processId))
                  Process process;
                      process = Process.GetProcessById(processId);
                  catch (ArgumentException ex)
                     WriteError(new ErrorRecord(

                  WriteDebug("Found matching process.");

                  keys.Add(processId, 0);

         return matchingProcesses;
      } // GetMatchingProcessesById

      /// <summary>
      /// Retrieves the list of all processes matching the InputObject
      /// parameter.
      /// </summary>
      /// <returns>The matching processes.</returns>
         Unrestricted = true)]
      private List<Process> GetProcessesByInput()
         new EnvironmentPermission(

         List<Process> matchingProcesses = new List<Process>();

         if (null != this.Input)
            // The keys dictionary is used for rapid lookup of the
            // processes already in the matchingProcesses list.
            Dictionary<int, byte> keys = new Dictionary<int, byte>();

            foreach (Process process in this.Input)
               WriteVerbose("Refreshing process object.");

               if (!keys.ContainsKey(process.Id))
                  catch (Win32Exception)
                  catch (InvalidOperationException)


         return matchingProcesses;
      } // GetProcessesByInput
      #endregion Private Methods
    } // End GetProcCommand class.

    #endregion GetProcCommand

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