Microsoft Azure PowerShell : applets de commande FirmwareAnalysis
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisBinaryHardening |
Lists binary hardening analysis results of a firmware. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisCryptoCertificate |
Lists cryptographic certificate analysis results found in a firmware. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisCryptoKey |
Lists cryptographic key analysis results found in a firmware. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisCve |
Lists CVE analysis results of a firmware. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisFirmware |
Get firmware. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisPasswordHash |
Lists password hash analysis results of a firmware. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisSbomComponent |
Lists SBOM analysis results of a firmware. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisSummary |
Get an analysis result summary of a firmware by name. |
Get-AzFirmwareAnalysisWorkspace |
Get firmware analysis workspace. |
New-AzFirmwareAnalysisFirmware |
The operation to Create a firmware. |
New-AzFirmwareAnalysisWorkspace |
The operation to Create a firmware analysis workspace. |
New-AzFirmwareAnalysisWorkspaceUploadUrl |
The operation to get a url for file upload. |
Remove-AzFirmwareAnalysisFirmware |
The operation to delete a firmware. |
Remove-AzFirmwareAnalysisWorkspace |
The operation to delete a firmware analysis workspace. |
Update-AzFirmwareAnalysisFirmware |
The operation to Update firmware. |
Update-AzFirmwareAnalysisWorkspace |
The operation to Update a firmware analysis workspaces. |