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SaaS fulfillment operations APIs v2 in the Microsoft commercial marketplace


To be able to call SaaS fulfillment Operations APIs, you must create a publisher's authorization token using the correct resource ID. Learn how to get publisher's authorization token

This article describes version 2 of the SaaS fulfillment operations APIs.

Operations are useful to respond to any requests that come through the webhook as part of ChangePlan, ChangeQuantity, and Reinstate actions. This provides an opportunity to accept or reject a request by patch that webhook operation with Success or Failure by using the following APIs.

This only applies to webhook events such as ChangePlan, ChangeQuantity, and Reinstate that need an ACK. No action is needed from the independent software vendor (ISV) on Renew, Suspend, and Unsubscribe events because they're notify-only events.

List outstanding operations

Get list of the pending operations for the specified SaaS subscription. The publisher should acknowledge returned operations by calling the Operation Patch API.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Response codes:

Code: 200 Returns pending operations on the specified SaaS subscription.

Response payload example:

  "operations": [
      "id": "<guid>", //Operation ID, should be provided in the operations patch API call
      "activityId": "<guid>", //not relevant
      "subscriptionId": "<guid>", // subscriptionId of the SaaS subscription that is being reinstated
      "offerId": "offer1", // purchased offer ID
      "publisherId": "contoso",
      "planId": "silver", // purchased plan ID
      "quantity": 20, // purchased amount of seats, will be empty is not relevant
      "action": "Reinstate",
      "timeStamp": "2018-12-01T00:00:00", // UTC
      "status": "InProgress" // the only status that can be returned in this case

Returns empty json if no operations are pending.

Code: 400 Bad request: validation failures.

Code: 401 Unauthorized. The authorization token is invalid or expired. The request is attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that was published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authentication token.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, wasn't provided or was provided with insufficient permissions. Make sure to provide a valid authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found. The SaaS subscription with subscriptionId isn't found.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.

Get operation status

This API enables the publisher to track the status of the specified async operation: Unsubscribe, ChangePlan, or ChangeQuantity.

The operationId for this API call can be retrieved from the value returned by Operation-Location, the get pending Operations API call, or the <id> parameter value received in a webhook call.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.
operationId The unique identifier of the operation being retrieved.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Response codes:

Code: 200 Gets details for the specified SaaS operation.

Response payload example:

Response body:
  "id  ": "<guid>", //Operation ID, should be provided in the patch operation API call
  "activityId": "<guid>", //not relevant
  "subscriptionId": "<guid>", // subscriptionId of the SaaS subscription for which this operation is relevant
  "offerId": "offer1", // purchased offer ID
  "publisherId": "contoso",
  "planId": "silver", // purchased plan ID
  "quantity": 20, // purchased amount of seats
  "action": "ChangePlan", // Can be ChangePlan, ChangeQuantity or Reinstate
  "timeStamp": "2018-12-01T00:00:00", // UTC
  "status": "InProgress", // Possible values: NotStarted, InProgress, Failed, Succeeded, Conflict (new quantity / plan is the same as existing)
  "errorStatusCode": "",
  "errorMessage": ""

Code: 401 Unauthorized. The authorization token is invalid or expired. The request is attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that was published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authentication token.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, wasn't provided or was provided with insufficient permissions. Make sure to provide a valid authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found.

  • Subscription with subscriptionId isn't found.
  • Operation with operationId isn't found.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.

Update the status of an operation

Use this API to update the status of a pending operation to indicate the operation's success or failure on the publisher side.

The operationId for this API call can be retrieved from the value returned by Operation-Location, the get pending Operations API call, or the <id> parameter value received in a webhook call.


Query parameters:

Parameter Value
ApiVersion Use 2018-08-31.
subscriptionId The unique identifier of the purchased SaaS subscription. This ID is obtained after resolving the commercial marketplace authorization token by using the Resolve API.
operationId The unique identifier of the operation that's being completed.

Request headers:

Parameter Value
content-type application/json
x-ms-requestid A unique string value for tracking the request from the client, preferably a GUID. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
x-ms-correlationid A unique string value for operation on the client. This parameter correlates all events from client operation with events on the server side. If this value isn't provided, one is generated and provided in the response headers.
authorization A unique access token that identifies the publisher that's making this API call. The format is "Bearer <access_token>" when the token value is retrieved by the publisher as explained in Get a token based on the Microsoft Entra app.

Request payload example:

  "status": "Success" // Allowed Values: Success/Failure. Indicates the status of the operation on ISV side.

Response codes:

Code: 200 A call to inform of completion of an operation on the partner side. For example, this response could signal the completion of change of seats or plans on the publisher side.

Code: 401 Unauthorized. The authorization token is invalid or expired. The request is attempting to access a SaaS subscription for an offer that was published with a different Microsoft Entra app ID from the one used to create the authentication token.

Code: 403 Forbidden. The authorization token is invalid, wasn't provided or was provided with insufficient permissions. Make sure to provide a valid authorization token.

This error is often a symptom of not performing the SaaS registration correctly.

Code: 404 Not found.

  • Subscription with subscriptionId isn't found.
  • Operation with operationId isn't found.

Code: 409 Conflict. For example, a newer update is already fulfilled.

Code: 500 Internal server error. Retry the API call. If the error persists, contact Microsoft support.