Partager via wsman:Locale/wsmv:DataLocale

While it is specified in [DMTF-DSP0226] to allow the wsman:Locale message to appear on any message, in general it only makes sense to establish the wsman:Locale when the Shell is created by using wst:Create. The Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service SHOULD ignore the wsman:Locale header and process the request if a different locale is sent with any message other than wst:Create that contains a resource URI indicating a remote shell.

The wsmv:DataLocale header is typically established only when the Shell is created by using wst:Create. The Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista service SHOULD ignore the wsmv:DataLocale header and process the request if the header is sent with any message other than wst:Create that contains a resource URI indicating a remote shell.<88>