Partager via IWbemRefreshingServices Interface

The IWbemRefreshingServices interface SHOULD<63> be implemented by the server. This interface (an [MS-DCOM] interface) provides methods that allow clients to get updates of numerous objects in a single DCOM Remote Protocol method invocation; whereas the IWbemServices interface provides methods that allow clients to get updates on a class or an instance.

The IWbemRefreshingServices interface requires multiple calls to set up the remote refresher; however, after the remote refresher is set up, obtaining updates requires only a single call. The IWbemRefreshingServices interface provides a faster CIM instance refreshing service when updated data on CIM instances have to be retrieved multiple times.

This interface MUST be uniquely identified by UUID {2C9273E0-1DC3-11d3-B364-00105A1F8177}.

Methods in RPC Opnum Order




Adds a CIM instance to the list of CIM objects to be refreshed.

Opnum: 3


Adds a CIM instance that is identified by its CIM object instance, to the list of CIM objects to be refreshed.

Opnum: 4


Adds all CIM instances of the CIM class name to the list of CIM objects to be refreshed.

Opnum: 5


Removes a CIM instance from the list of CIM instances to be refreshed.

Opnum: 6


Retrieves an IWbemRemoteRefresherinterface pointer.

Opnum: 7


Restores a set of CIM instances and enumerations to a server refresher.

Opnum: 8