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[MS-SSTP]: Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)

This topic lists Errata found in [MS-SSTP] since it was last published. Since this topic is updated frequently, we recommend that you subscribe to this RSS feed to receive update notifications.

Errata are subject to the same terms as the Open Specifications documentation referenced.


To view a PDF file of the errata for the previous versions of this document, see the following ERRATA Archives:

July 18, 2016 - Download

June 24, 2021 - Download

Errata below are for Protocol Document Version V20.0 – 2021/06/25.

Errata Published*



In section SSTP Packet Processing: Added MTU and MUR rules and settings that enable packets larger than 1586 bytes.

Changed from:

SSTP packet processing for common messages is covered separately for the client state machine and server state machine, in sections and

Changed to:

Common packet processing functionality is as follows:

1. The default maximum transmission unit (MTU) is set to 1400 bytes.

2. The maximum receive unit (MRU) exchanged for SSTP is 4091 bytes, which is 4095 – sizeof(SSTP_HEADER).

3. The default MTU can be increased using the registry values, but it is still capped at the MRU of the tunnel type.

4. The default MRU for the PPP adapter is set to 1614 bytes.

5. The default MRU can be increased by setting the following registry value:


By default, packets of any size can be sent or received through the tunnel, as Windows stack will IP fragment the packets.

To enable large SSTP payloads, both MTU (on the sender) and MRU (on the receiver) need to be set to larger values.

SSTP packet processing for common messages is covered separately for the client state machine and server state machine, in sections and

*Date format: YYYY/MM/DD