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[MS-NNS]: .NET NegotiateStream Protocol

This topic lists Errata found in [MS-NNS] since it was last published. Since this topic is updated frequently, we recommend that you subscribe to this RSS feed to receive update notifications.

Errata are subject to the same terms as the Open Specifications documentation referenced.


To view a PDF file of the errata for the previous versions of this document, see the following ERRATA Archives:

June 1, 2017 - Download

Errata below are for Protocol Document Version V7.0 – 2017/12/01.

Errata Published*



In Section 2.2.2, Data Message, the maximum size of the PayloadSize field has been changed from '0x0000FC00' to '0x0000FC30', to accommodate for both the application data size and the size increase that occurs when this protocol signs or encrypts the data to be transferred.

Changed from: 

PayloadSize (4 bytes): The unsigned size, in bytes, of the Payload field. The maximum value for this field is 0x0000FC00 (that is, 63K, or 64,512).

Changed to: 

PayloadSize (4 bytes): The unsigned size, in bytes, of the Payload field. The maximum value for this field is 0x0000FC30 (64,560).

*Date format: YYYY/MM/DD