Partager via RASI_PORT_1

 The RASI_PORT_1 structure contains information about a RRAS port.

 typedef struct _RASI_PORT_1 {
   DWORD dwPort;
   DWORD dwConnection;
   RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION dwHardwareCondition;
   DWORD dwLineSpeed;
   DWORD dwBytesXmited;
   DWORD dwBytesRcved;
   DWORD dwFramesXmited;
   DWORD dwFramesRcved;
   DWORD dwCrcErr;
   DWORD dwTimeoutErr;
   DWORD dwAlignmentErr;
   DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwFramingErr;
   DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut;

dwPort: A unique identifier that specifies the port.

dwConnection: A unique identifier that specifies the connection.

dwHardwareCondition: A RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION (section value that specifies the condition of a port specified in dwPort.

dwLineSpeed: Specifies the line speed of the port, represented in bits per second.

dwBytesXmited: Specifies the bytes transmitted on the port. This value is the number of bytes of compressed data.

dwBytesRcved: Specifies the bytes received on the port. This value is the number of bytes of compressed data.

dwFramesXmited: Specifies the frames transmitted on the port.

dwFramesRcved: Specifies the frames received on the port.

dwCrcErr: Specifies the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors on the port.

dwTimeoutErr: Specifies the time-out errors on the port.

dwAlignmentErr: Specifies the alignment errors on the port.

dwHardwareOverrunErr: Specifies the hardware-overrun errors on the port.

dwFramingErr: Specifies the framing errors on the port.

dwBufferOverrunErr: Specifies the buffer-overrun errors on the port.

dwCompressionRatioIn: Specifies a percentage that indicates the degree to which data received on this connection is compressed. The ratio is the size of the compressed data divided by the size of the same data in an uncompressed state.

dwCompressionRatioOut: Specifies a percentage indicating the degree to which data transmitted on this connection is compressed. The ratio is the size of the compressed data divided by the size of the same data in an uncompressed state.