The RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL structure contains information for a connection, including the GUID that identifies the connection, the NAP, and the PPP or the IKEv2 related data for the connection.

 typedef struct _RAS_CONNECTION_EX_1_IDL {
   DWORD dwConnectDuration;
   DWORD dwConnectionFlags;
   WCHAR wszInterfaceName[257];
   WCHAR wszUserName[257];
   WCHAR wszLogonDomain[16];
   WCHAR wszRemoteComputer[17];
   GUID guid;
   FILETIME probationTime;
   DWORD dwBytesXmited;
   DWORD dwBytesRcved;
   DWORD dwFramesXmited;
   DWORD dwFramesRcved;
   DWORD dwCrcErr;
   DWORD dwTimeoutErr;
   DWORD dwAlignmentErr;
   DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwFramingErr;
   DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn;
   DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut;
   DWORD dwNumSwitchOvers;
   WCHAR wszRemoteEndpointAddress[65];
   WCHAR wszLocalEndpointAddress[65];
   PROJECTION_INFO_IDL_1 ProjectionInfo;
   ULONG hConnection;
   ULONG hInterface;

Header: A MPRAPI_OBJECT_HEADER_IDL (section whose revision field MUST be 0x01 and type field MUST be 0x01. 

dwConnectDuration: Specifies the duration in seconds for which the current connection is active.

dwInterfaceType: Specifies a ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE (section value specifying the interface type of the current connection.

dwConnectionFlags: Specifies certain attributes of the connection.

This member SHOULD contain one of the following flags.<119>




No flag is set.



The connection is using the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).



The messenger service is active on the client and messages can be sent to the client using RRasAdminSendUserMessage (section



The connection is currently in quarantine. See RRasAdminConnectionRemoveQuarantine (section for more information.



The connection is using the AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP).



The connection is using the IKEv2 and the server is not reachable.

wszInterfaceName: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the interface for this connection.

wszUserName: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the user logged on to the connection.

wszLogonDomain: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the domain on which the connected user is authenticated.

wszRemoteComputer: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the remote computer.

guid: A GUID uniquely identifying the connection.

rasQuarState: Specifies the NAP quarantine state for the connection through the type RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE (section that contains the quarantine state of this connection.

probationTime: Specifies the NAP probation time for the connection in UTC. This value is valid only if the rasQuarState has a value of RAS_QUAR_STATE_PROBATION (see RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE).

dwBytesXmited: Specifies the bytes transmitted on the current connection.

dwBytesRcved: Specifies the bytes received on the current connection.

dwFramesXmited: Specifies the frames transmitted on the current connection.

dwFramesRcved: Specifies the frames received on the current connection.

dwCrcErr: Specifies the CRC errors on the current connection.

dwTimeoutErr: Specifies the time-out errors on the current connection.

dwAlignmentErr: Specifies the alignment errors on the current connection.

dwHardwareOverrunErr: Specifies the number of hardware-overrun errors on the current connection.

dwFramingErr: Specifies the number of framing errors for the current connection.

dwBufferOverrunErr: Specifies the number of buffer-overrun errors.

dwCompressionRatioIn: Specifies a percentage that indicates the degree to which data received on this connection is compressed. The ratio is the size of the compressed data divided by the size of the same data in an uncompressed state.

dwCompressionRatioOut: Specifies a percentage that indicates the degree to which data transmitted on this connection is compressed. The ratio is the size of the compressed data divided by the size of the same data in an uncompressed state.

dwNumSwitchOvers: Specifies the number of MOBIKE [RFC4555] switches that happened on the connection. Valid only if dwConnectionFlags is RAS_FLAGS_IKEV2_CONNECTION.

wszRemoteEndpointAddress: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that holds the remote computer's IP address for the connection. This string has the form a.b.c.d; for example, "".

wszLocalEndpointAddress: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that holds the local computer's IP address for the connection. This string has the form a.b.c.d or a::1234; for example, "" or 2ffe::1234.

ProjectionInfo: This is a PROJECTION_INFO_IDL_1 structure.

hConnection: A handle to the connection.

hInterface: A handle to the interface.