The IP_AUTO_DHCP_STATISTICS structure contains the DHCP auto-discovery statistics. This structure defines the statistics kept by the DHCP allocator, and is accessible to the following methods:

MessagesIgnored: The count of the messages ignored.

BootpOffersSent: The count of the IPBOOTP offers sent.

DiscoversReceived: The count of the discover messages received.

InformsReceived: The count of the INFORM messages received.

OffersSent: The count of the OFFER messages sent.

RequestsReceived: The count of the REQUEST messages received.

AcksSent: The count of the acknowledge control packets (ACKs) sent.

NaksSent: The count of the negative acknowledge (NAK) messages sent.

DeclinesReceived: The count of the DECLINE messages received.

ReleaseReceived: The count of the RELEASE messages received.