The NETLOGON_DELTA_USER structure contains information about a SAM user account. This structure is used for replicating the user account data from the PDC to a BDC, as detailed in section 3.6.
All fields of this structure, except the fields detailed following the structure definition, have the same meanings as the identically named fields in the Common User Fields, as specified in [MS-SAMR] section and the SAMPR_USER_INTERNAL1_INFORMATION structure fields, as specified in [MS-SAMR] section
typedef struct _NETLOGON_DELTA_USER { UNICODE_STRING UserName; UNICODE_STRING FullName; ULONG UserId; ULONG PrimaryGroupId; UNICODE_STRING HomeDirectory; UNICODE_STRING HomeDirectoryDrive; UNICODE_STRING ScriptPath; UNICODE_STRING AdminComment; UNICODE_STRING WorkStations; OLD_LARGE_INTEGER LastLogon; OLD_LARGE_INTEGER LastLogoff; NLPR_LOGON_HOURS LogonHours; USHORT BadPasswordCount; USHORT LogonCount; OLD_LARGE_INTEGER PasswordLastSet; OLD_LARGE_INTEGER AccountExpires; ULONG UserAccountControl; ENCRYPTED_NT_OWF_PASSWORD EncryptedNtOwfPassword; ENCRYPTED_LM_OWF_PASSWORD EncryptedLmOwfPassword; UCHAR NtPasswordPresent; UCHAR LmPasswordPresent; UCHAR PasswordExpired; UNICODE_STRING UserComment; UNICODE_STRING Parameters; USHORT CountryCode; USHORT CodePage; NLPR_USER_PRIVATE_INFO PrivateData; SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation; ULONG SecuritySize; [size_is(SecuritySize)] UCHAR * SecurityDescriptor; UNICODE_STRING ProfilePath; UNICODE_STRING DummyString2; UNICODE_STRING DummyString3; UNICODE_STRING DummyString4; ULONG DummyLong1; ULONG DummyLong2; ULONG DummyLong3; ULONG DummyLong4; } NETLOGON_DELTA_USER, *PNETLOGON_DELTA_USER;
PrivateData: An NLPR_USER_PRIVATE_INFO structure, as specified in section, containing the PrivateData field of the SAMPR_USER_INFORMATION structure, as specified in [MS-SAMR] section
SecurityInformation: A SECURITY_INFORMATION structure, as specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.7, that specifies portions of a security descriptor about the user account.
SecuritySize: The size, in bytes, of SecurityDescriptor.
SecurityDescriptor: A pointer to a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure, as specified in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6, that specifies the security settings for the user account object.
DummyString2: A STRING structure, defined in section, that MUST contain 0 for the Length field, 0 for the MaximumLength field, and NULL for the Buffer field. It is ignored upon receipt. The Netlogon usage of dummy fields is defined in section
DummyString3: See definition for DummyString2.
DummyString4: See definition for DummyString2
DummyLong1: The high part (the first 32 bits) of the LastBadPasswordTime field of the SAMPR_USER_INTERNAL3_INFORMATION structure, as specified in [MS-SAMR] section
DummyLong2: See definition for DummyLong1.
DummyLong3: See definition for DummyLong1.
DummyLong4: See definition for DummyLong1.