Server Requests a Query of Security Information
If the object store does not implement security, the operation MUST be failed with STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST.<176>
The server provides:
Open: The Open on which security information is being queried.
OutputBufferSize: The maximum number of bytes to return in OutputBuffer.
SecurityInformation: A SECURITY_INFORMATION data type, as defined in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.7.
On completion, the object store MUST return:
Status: An NTSTATUS code that specifies the result.
OutputBuffer: An array of OutputBufferSize bytes formatted as a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure in self-relative format, as described in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6.
ByteCount: If the operation returns STATUS_SUCCESS, this will be set to the count of bytes filled into OutputBuffer. If the operation returns STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, this will be set to the required size, in bytes, of OutputBuffer so that the security descriptor will fit.
This routine uses the following local variables:
A 32-bit unsigned integer used as a byte index into OutputBuffer: NextFree
32-bit unsigned integers: SaclLength, MaclLength
Pseudocode for the operation is as follows:
Let sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE) equal the number of bytes occupied by the Revision, Sbz1, Control, OffsetOwner, OffsetGroup, OffsetSacl, and OffsetDacl fields of OutputBuffer (that is, the total size of those fields in a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR in self-relative format, as described in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.6).
The operation MUST be failed with STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED under either of the following conditions:
SecurityInformation contains SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and Open.GrantedAccess does not contain ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY.
If Open.File.SecurityDescriptor is empty:
If OutputBufferSize is smaller than sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE), the object store MUST set ByteCount equal to sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE), and the operation MUST be failed with STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.Revision equal to 1; all other fields of OutputBuffer MUST be filled with NULL characters.
The object store MUST set the Self Relative (SR) bit in OutputBuffer.Control.
The operation returns STATUS_SUCCESS at this point.
Set ByteCount equal to sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE).
If SecurityInformation contains OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Owner is not NULL:
ByteCount += BlockAlign(SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Owner), 4)
If SecurityInformation contains GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Group is not NULL:
ByteCount += BlockAlign(SidLength (Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Group), 4)
If SecurityInformation contains DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and the DACL Present (DP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Dacl is not NULL:
ByteCount += BlockAlign(SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Dacl.AclSize), 4)
If SecurityInformation contains SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION|LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and the SACL Present (SP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and
Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl is not NULL:
SaclLength = BlockAlign(SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl.AclSize), 4)
ByteCount += SaclLength
If SecurityInformation contains SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and the SACL Present (SP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl is not NULL:
SaclLength = BlockAlign(SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl.AclSize), 4)
For each access control entry (ACE) (as defined in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.4) in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl whose AceType field is SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE:
SaclLength -= this ACE's AceSize field
ByteCount += SaclLength
If SecurityInformation contains LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION and the SACL Present (SP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl is not NULL:
MaclLength = BlockAlign( (size of ACL as defined in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.5), 4)
For each ACE (as defined in [MS-DTYP] section 2.4.4) in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl whose AceType field is SYSTEM_MANDATORY_LABEL_ACE_TYPE:
MaclLength += this ACE's AceSize field
ByteCount += MaclLength
If ByteCount is greater than OutputBufferSize, the operation MUST be failed with STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.Revision equal to 1; all other fields of OutputBuffer MUST be filled with NULL characters.
The object store MUST set the Self Relative (SR) bit in OutputBuffer.Control.
Set NextFree to sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE) (that is, to the offset of OutputBuffer.OwnerSid).
If SecurityInformation contains OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Owner is not NULL:
The object store MUST copy SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Owner) bytes from Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Owner to OutputBuffer at the position of NextFree.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.OffsetOwner equal to NextFree.
The object store MUST set the state of the Owner Defaulted (OD) bit of OutputBuffer.Control equal to the state of the same bit in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control.
NextFree += BlockAlign(SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Owner), 4).
If SecurityInformation contains GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Group is not NULL:
The object store MUST copy SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Group) bytes from Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Group to OutputBuffer at the position of NextFree.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.OffsetGroup equal to NextFree.
The object store MUST set the state of the Group Defaulted (GD) bit of OutputBuffer.Control equal to the state of the same bit in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control.
NextFree += BlockAlign(SidLength(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Group), 4).
If SecurityInformation contains DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION:
The object store MUST set the state of the DACL Present (DP), DACL Defaulted (DD), DACL Protected (PD), and DACL Auto-Inherited (DI) bits of OutputBuffer.Control equal to the state of the same bits in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control.
If the DACL Present (DP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Dacl is not NULL:
The object store MUST copy Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Dacl.AclSize bytes from Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Dacl to OutputBuffer at the position of NextFree.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.OffsetDacl equal to NextFree.
NextFree += BlockAlign(Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Dacl.AclSize, 4).
The object store MUST set the state of the SACL Present (SP), SACL Defaulted (SD), SACL Protected (PS), and SACL Auto-Inherited (SI) bits of OutputBuffer.Control equal to the state of the same bits in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control.
If the SACL Present (SP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl is not NULL:
The object store MUST copy Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl.AclSize bytes from Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl to OutputBuffer at the position of NextFree.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.OffsetSacl equal to NextFree.
NextFree += SaclLength.
If SecurityInformation contains SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION:
The object store MUST set the state of the SACL Present (SP), SACL Defaulted (SD), SACL Protected (PS), and SACL Auto-Inherited (SI) bits of OutputBuffer.Control equal to the state of the same bits in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control.
If the SACL Present (SP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl is not NULL:
Perform an ACE copy according to the algorithm in section, setting the ACE copy algorithm's parameters as follows:
DestSacl equal to the position in OutputBuffer of NextFree.
SrcSacl equal to Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl.
CopyAudit set to TRUE.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.OffsetSacl equal to NextFree.
NextFree += SaclLength.
Else If SecurityInformation contains LABEL_SECURITY_INFORMATION:
The object store MUST set the state of the SACL Present (SP), SACL Defaulted (SD), SACL Protected (PS), and SACL Auto-Inherited (SI) bits of OutputBuffer.Control equal to the state of the same bits in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control.
If the SACL Present (SP) bit is set in Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Control and Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl is not NULL:
Perform an ACE copy according to the algorithm in section, setting the ACE copy algorithm's parameters as follows:
DestSacl equal to the position in OutputBuffer of NextFree.
SrcSacl equal to Open.File.SecurityDescriptor.Sacl.
CopyAudit set to FALSE.
The object store MUST set OutputBuffer.OffsetSacl equal to NextFree.
NextFree += MaclLength.
The operation returns STATUS_SUCCESS.