Partager via

3.1.4 Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules

This protocol MUST indicate to the RPC runtime that it is to perform a strict Network Data Representation (NDR) data consistency check at target level 6.0, as specified in [MS-RPCE].

This protocol MUST indicate to the RPC runtime, via the strict_context_handle attribute, that it is to reject the use of context handles that are created by using a different method of RPC interface than this one, as specified in [MS-RPCE] section 3.

Because the server makes access control decisions as part of message processing, the client MUST authenticate to the server as specified in section 2.1. The server MUST verify that the client is authorized to perform the requested operation. The server MUST retrieve the client's identity token by invoking the abstract interface GetRpcImpersonationAccessToken() as specified in [MS-RPCE] section The server implementation maintains a list of authorized clients. The protocol has no methods for reading or setting that list. If the client invoking the method is not on the authorized list, the server MUST fail the call and return an error code of ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (5).<32>

Methods in RPC Opnum Order




This method requests the server to open a specified policy store.

Opnum: 0


This method receives an opened store handle and closes it, freeing any resources that were allocated by the server-to-server operations on the opened store.

Opnum: 1


This method erases the local policy store and replaces it with the default policy that the server host had out of the box after installation. After the method returns, the local store contains exactly the same policy as it did after installation.

Opnum: 2


This method retrieves the value of a global policy configuration option. The client specifies to the server from what store this value MUST be retrieved and in what specific configuration option it is interested.

Opnum: 3


This method modifies the value of a global policy configuration option. The client specifies to the server in what store this value MUST be written and what specific configuration option it is interested in modifying.

Opnum: 4


This method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 5


This method requests the server to modify the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 6


This method requests the server to delete the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 7


This method deletes all firewall rules in the firewall linked list of the memory representation of the store being modified.

Opnum: 8


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 9


This method retrieves the value of a profile configuration option. The client specifies to the server from what store and profile this value MUST be retrieved and in what specific configuration option it is interested.

Opnum: 10


This method modifies the value of a profile configuration option. The client specifies to the server in what store and profile this value MUST be written and what specific configuration option it is interested in modifying.

Opnum: 11


This method requests the server to add the connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 12


This method requests the server to modify the specified connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 13


This method requests the server to delete the specified connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 14


This method requests the server to delete all the connection security rules in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 15


This method requests the server to return all the connection security rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the connection security rule objects.

Opnum: 16


This method requests the server to add the authentication set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 17


This method requests the server to modify the specified authentication set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 18


This method requests the server to delete the specified authentication set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 19


This method requests the server to delete all the authentication sets of a specific IPsec phase in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 20


This method requests the server to return all the authentication sets of the specified IPsec phase contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of these objects.

Opnum: 21


This method adds a cryptographic set in the cryptographic linked list of the memory representation of the store being modified.

Opnum: 22


This method requests the server to modify the specified cryptographic set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 23


This method requests the server to delete the specified cryptographic set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 24


This method requests the server to delete all the cryptographic sets of a specific IPsec phase in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 25


This method requests the server to return all the cryptographic sets of the specified IPsec phase contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all these cryptographic objects.

Opnum: 26


This method requests the server to return all the security associations of the IPsec first-negotiation phase contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all these security associations.

Opnum: 27


This method requests the server to return all the security associations of the IPsec second-negotiation phase contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all these security associations.

Opnum: 28


This method requests the server to delete all the IPsec first negotiation phase security associations that match the specified endpoints.

Opnum: 29


This method requests the server to delete all the IPsec second negotiation phase security associations that match the specified endpoints.

Opnum: 30


This method requests the server to return all the registered third-party software components registered with the firewall and advanced security component.

Opnum: 31


This method requests the server to add the main mode rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 32


This method requests the server to modify the specified main mode rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 33


This method requests the server to delete the specified main mode rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 34


This method requests the server to delete all the main mode rules in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 35


This method requests the server to return all the main mode rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the main mode rule objects.

Opnum: 36


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules that match the specified query object contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 37


This method requests the server to return all the connection security rules that match the specified query object contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the connection security rule objects.

Opnum: 38


This method requests the server to return all the main mode rules that match the specified query object contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the main mode rule objects.

Opnum: 39


This method requests the server to return all the authentication sets that match the specified query object contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the authentication set objects.

Opnum: 40


This method requests the server to return all the crypto sets that match the specified query object contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the crypto set objects.

Opnum: 41


This method requests the server to return all the networks to which the host that has the firewall and advanced security component is connected.

Opnum: 42


This method requests the server to return all the network interfaces that are used by the host that has the firewall and advanced security component.

Opnum: 43


This method retrieves the value of a global policy configuration option. The client specifies to the server from what store this value MUST be retrieved and in what specific configuration option it is interested.

Opnum: 44


This method retrieves the value of a profile configuration option. The client specifies to the server from what store and profile this value MUST be retrieved and in what specific configuration option it is interested.

Opnum: 45


This method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 46


This method requests the server to modify the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 47


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 48


This method requests the server to add the connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 49


This method requests the server to modify the specified connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 50


This method requests the server to return all the connection security rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the connection security rule objects.

Opnum: 51


This method requests the server to return all the connection security rules that match the specified query object that are contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicy handle.


This method requests the server to add the authentication set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 52


This method requests the server to modify the specified authentication set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 53


This method requests the server to return all the authentication sets of the specified IPsec phase contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of these objects.

Opnum: 54


This method adds a cryptographic set in the cryptographic linked list of the memory representation of the store being modified.

Opnum: 55


This method requests the server to modify the specified cryptographic set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the specified opened policy store handle.

Opnum: 56


This method requests the server to return all the cryptographic sets of the specified IPsec phase that is contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all these cryptographic objects.

Opnum: 57


This method requests the server to add the specified connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 58


This method requests the server to modify the specified connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 59


This method requests the server to return all the connection security rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle.

Opnum: 60


This method requests the server to return all the connection security rules that match the specified query object that are contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicy handle.

Opnum: 61


This method requests the server to add the authentication set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicy parameter.

Opnum: 62


This method requests the server to modify the specified authentication set in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicy parameter.

Opnum: 63


This method requests the server to return all the authentication sets of the specified IPsec phase contained in the store that is referenced in the hPolicy handle. The method returns a linked list of these objects.

Opnum: 64


This method requests the server to return all the authentication sets that match the specified query object that are contained in the store that is referenced in the hPolicy handle.

Opnum: 65


This method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store referenced by the handle that is specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 66


This method requests the server to modify the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 67


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 68


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules matching the specified query object that are contained in the store referenced by the hPolicy handle.

Opnum: 69


This method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 70


This method requests the server to modify the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 71


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 72


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules matching the specified query object that are contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle.

Opnum: 73


This method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 74


This method requests the server to modify the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 75


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 76


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules matching the specified query object that are contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle.

Opnum: 77


This method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 78


This method requests the server to modify the specified firewall rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 79


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 80


This method requests the server to return all the firewall rules matching the specified query object that are contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle.

Opnum: 81


The RRPC_FWAddFirewallRule2_27 method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule to the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 82


The RRPC_FWSetFirewallRule2_27 method requests the server to modify the specified connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 83


The RRPC_FWEnumFirewallRules2_27 method requests the server to return all the firewall rules contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 84


The RRPC_FWQueryFirewallRules2_27 method requests the server to return all the firewall rules that match the specified query object that are contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the connection security rule objects.

Opnum: 85


The RRPC_FWAddFirewallRule2_31 method requests the server to add the specified firewall rule to the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 86


The RRPC_FWSetFirewallRule2_31 method requests the server to modify the specified connection security rule in the policy contained in the policy store that is referenced by the handle specified in the hPolicyStore parameter.

Opnum: 87


The RRPC_FWEnumFirewallRules2_31 method requests the server to return the firewall rules matching the input flags contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of the corresponding firewall rule objects.

Opnum: 88


The RRPC_FWQueryFirewallRules2_31 method requests the server to return all the firewall rules that match the specified query object, as are contained in the store that is referenced by the hPolicyStore handle. The method returns a linked list of all the firewall rules that match the specified query object.

Opnum: 89