Partager via


This structure represents a list of dynamic keyword address IDs to be used in an FW_RULE struct (section 2.2.37).

   DWORD dwNumIds;
   [size_is(dwNumIds)] UINT32* ids;

dwNumIds: This field specifies the number of dynamic keyword address elements contained in the ids field. 

ids: A pointer to an array of GUID-based dynamic keyword address elements. The number of elements is specified by dwNumIds.


A list of dynamic keyword addresses can be created for use in a section 2.2.37 struct to supply one or more servers with a set of specified IP addresses. To do this, a [MS-PSRP] protocol client should be used to successfully create a managed object format (MOF)-based  MSFT_NetFirewallDynamicKeywordAddress object<4>, as specified in [MSFT-FASP-OBJ], with use of the New-NetFirewallDynamicKeywordAddress command. Thereafter, the MSFT_NetFirewallDynamicKeywordAddress object is referenced in an FW_RULE struct instance which is invoked with the RRPC_FWAddFirewallRule2_31 method, as described in the example of section 4.5.