Partager via Set Transaction Attributes

The Set Transaction Attributes event MUST be signaled with the following arguments:

  • A transaction object.

  • A value indicating the transaction's Isolation Level. The value MUST be one of the isolation level values specified in section

  • A value indicating the transaction's Isolation flags. The value MUST be one of the valid isolation flag values specified in section

  •  A string indicating an implementation-specific description of the transaction.

If the Set Transaction Attributes event is signaled, the Core Transaction Manager MUST perform the following actions:

  • If the transaction state is not Active:

    • Signal the Set Transaction Attributes Failure (section event on the Transaction Manager communicating with an Application  Facet with the transaction object.

  • Otherwise

    • If the transaction object's Attributes Set flag is set to FALSE:

      • Set the transaction object's Isolation Level field with the Isolation Level argument.

      • Set the transaction object's Isolation Flags field with the Isolation Flags argument.

      • Set the transaction object's Description field with the Description Argument.

      • Set the transaction object's Attributes Set flag to TRUE.

    • Signal the Set Transaction Attributes Success (section event on the Transaction Manager communicating with an Application facet with the transaction object.