5.115.3 ProcessDirSyncSearchRequest
procedure ProcessDirSyncSearchRequest( [in] searchArg: DirSyncSearchArg, [in] dirSyncControlValue: DirSyncControlValue, [out] searchResultEntryList: SearchResultEntryList, [out] dirSyncResponseControl: Control ) : ULONG
Informative summary of behavior: The ProcessDirSyncSearchRequest procedure processes an LDAP search request with an LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID control. It creates a list of search result entries and the LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID response control.
err: ULONG msgIn: DRS_MSG_GETCHGREQ_V10 msgOut: DRS_MSG_GETCHGREPLY_NATIVE filter: LDAPString replFlags: ULONG /* Transform the LDAP search request with LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID control to a replication GetChanges request. */ err := DirSyncReqToGetChgReq(searchArg, dirSyncControlValue, msgIn) if err ≠ 0 then return err endif replFlags := dirSyncControlValue.flags filter := searchArg.pfilter /* Perform access checks unless client has specified object-level security */ if not (LDAP_DIRSYNC_OBJECT_SECURITY in replFlags) then err := SecurityCheckForChanges(msgIn, filter) if err ≠ 0 then return err endif endif /* Perform normal replication (Get replication changes). */ err := GetReplChanges(null, filter, replFlags, msgIn, msgOut) if err ≠ 0 then return err endif /* Transform the replication GetChanges reply to reply for the LDAP search request with LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID control. */ err := GetChgReplyToSearchResult(msgOut, searchResultEntryList, dirSyncResponseControl) if err ≠ 0 then return err endif return 0 /* success */