Partager via R_DnssrvUpdateRecord2 (Opnum 9)

The R_DnssrvUpdateRecord2 method is used to add a new DNS record or modify/delete an existing DNS record at the server. The DNS server SHOULD implement R_ DnssrvEnumRecords2.<283>

All parameters are as specified by the R_DnssrvUpdateRecord method (section with the following exceptions:

 LONG R_DnssrvUpdateRecord2(
   [in]                       handle_t               hBindingHandle,
   [in]                       DWORD                  dwClientVersion,
   [in]                       DWORD                  dwSettingFlags,
   [in, unique, string]       LPCWSTR                pwszServerName,
   [in, unique, string]       LPCSTR                 pszZone,
   [in, string]               LPCSTR                 pszNodeName,
   [in, unique]               PDNS_RPC_RECORD        pAddRecord,
   [in, unique]               PDNS_RPC_RECORD        pDeleteRecord

dwClientVersion: The client version in DNS_RPC_CURRENT_CLIENT_VER (section format.

dwSettingFlags: Reserved for future use only. This field MUST be set to zero by clients and ignored by servers.

Return Values: The method MUST return ERROR_SUCCESS (0x00000000) on success or a nonzero Win32 error code if an error occurred. See [MS-ERREF] section 2.2 or section All error values MUST be treated the same. All record types SHOULD be supported, but if an operation is attempted on an unsupported record type, the method MUST return a nonzero Win32 error code.

When processing this call, the server MUST perform the same actions as for the R_DnssrvUpdateRecord method (section