Partager via DNS Zone String Properties

The following properties are strings.

DatabaseFile: The name (with no path) of the zone file or NULL if the zone is not stored in a file.

ApplicationDirectoryPartition: The FQDN of the application directory partition that the zone is stored in if "DsIntegrated" is TRUE, or NULL if the zone is not stored in a directory server.

The DNS server SHOULD<208> also support the following properties:

BreakOnNameUpdate: The DNS server will execute a debug break when the specified node name within the zone is the target of a DNS update. If this property is NULL or empty the DNS server will not execute debug breaks during DNS update processing.

Keymaster: The FQDN of the key master server for the zone. The default value MUST be NULL.

NSEC3UserSalt: Salt that is to be used when hashed owner names are generated according to [RFC5155] section 5 in zones signed with NSEC3. This property MUST be ignored unless the NSEC3RandomSaltLength property is set to 0x00000000.

NSEC3CurrentSalt: The current salt being used by a zone signed with NSEC3 to generate hashed owner names as described in [RFC5155] section 5. This property is read-only.