If this subrequest succeeds, the client MUST update the VolumeInformation for this volume as follows:
Set the value in the volume field of the TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME structure into the VolumeID field of the VolumeInformation.
Set the value in the ftLastRefresh field of the TRKSVR_SYNC_VOLUME structure into the RefreshTime field of the VolumeInformation.
Set the VolumeSequenceNumber field to zero.
Set the VolumeState field to Owned.
Set the VolumeOwner field to the MachineID of the local machine.
Clear the VolumeFileTable field.
If the subrequest fails with an error return value of TRK_E_VOLUME_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, the client MUST set the VolumeTableQuotaExceeded flag to TRUE.