ICertAdminD2::GetCAPropertyInfo (Opnum 34)
The GetCAPropertyInfo method is used to retrieve information about a property on the CA, such as its type and length.
HRESULT GetCAPropertyInfo( [in, string, unique] wchar_t const* pwszAuthority, [out] LONG* pcProperty, [out, ref] CERTTRANSBLOB* pctbPropInfo );
pwszAuthority: See the pwszAuthority definition in ICertAdminD::SetExtension.
pcProperty: An integer value containing the number of property structures returned.
pctbPropInfo: A CERTTRANSBLOB structure containing zero or more CATRANSPROP structures. For more information on CERTTRANSBLOB and CATRANSPROP structures, see section 2.2.1.
The processing of the ICertAdminD2::GetCAPropertyInfo method is the same as that specified in [MS-WCCE] section