Partager via GetPublisherPropertyCollection (Opnum 34)

The GetPublisherPropertyCollection method gets all the application-specific publisher properties as a collection of the subscription. See publisher properties in section

 [id(16), helpstring("method GetPublisherPropertyCollection")] HRESULT GetPublisherPropertyCollection(
   [out, retval] IEventObjectCollection** collection

collection: If the function returns a success HRESULT, this MUST return an instance of DCOM object supporting the IEventObjectCollection which MUST contain a collection of application-specific publisher properties. These properties MUST conform to the specification given in section 2.2.2.

Return Values: An HRESULT specifying success or failure. All success codes MUST be treated the same, and all failure codes MUST be treated the same.

When this method is invoked, the server MUST enumerate all publisher properties associated with the instance of the DCOM object servicing this call. It MUST attempt to store these in a collection DCOM object supporting IEventObjectCollection interface and fail the call, returning a failure HRESULT back to the client if it cannot. It MUST then return this DCOM object instance through the collection parameter.