Partager via ComputerNameOrAddressProperty

The ComputerNameOrAddressProperty type represents a computer name, an IPv4 address in string format if the server supports the Internet Protocol [RFC791], or an IPv6 address in string format if the server supports the Internet Protocol, version 6 [RFC2460].

Simple type: eDT_LPWSTR

Validity: If not null, it MUST be a computer name, an IPv4 address in string format, or an IPv6 address in string format. It MUST NOT be an IPv4 address in string format if the server does not support the Internet Protocol. It MUST NOT be an IPv6 address in string format if the server supports the Internet Protocol, version 6.

Server validation: Servers MAY enforce validity constraints, but SHOULD NOT attempt to enforce that the computer identified exists or is reachable. Servers MAY enforce an implementation-specific character length limit. If so, this limit SHOULD be at least 255 characters, not including the terminating null character.

Client validation: Clients SHOULD simply pass through the value provided by the client application.