Partager via

1.9 Standards Assignments

There are no standard assignments for this protocol. The following is a table of well-known GUIDs (generated using the mechanism specified in [C706] section A.2.5) in COMA.



DCOM CLSID for the COMA server (CLSID_COMAServer)


remote procedure call (RPC) IID for ICatalogSession interface (IID_ICatalogSession)


RPC IID for ICatalog64BitSupport interface (IID_ICatalog64BitSupport)


RPC IID for ICatalogTableInfo interface (IID_ICatalogTableInfo)


RPC IID for ICatalogTableRead interface (IID_ICatalogTableRead)


RPC IID for ICatalogTableWrite interface (IID_ICatalogTableWrite)


RPC IID for IRegister interface (IID_IRegister)


RPC IID for IRegister2 interface (IID_IRegister2)


RPC IID for IImport interface (IID_IImport)


RPC IID for IImport2 interface (IID_Import2)


RPC IID for IExport interface (IID_IExport)


RPC IID for IExport2 interface (IID_IExport2)


RPC IID for IAlternateLaunch interface (IID_IAlternateLaunch)


RPC IID for ICatalogUtils interface (IID_ICatalogUtils)


RPC IID for ICatalogUtils2 interface (IID_ICatalogUtils2)


RPC IID for ICapabilitySupport interface (IID_ICapabilitySupport)


RPC IID for IContainerControl interface (IID_IContainerControl)


RPC IID for IContainerControl2 interface (IID_IContainerControl2)


RPC IID for IReplicationUtil interface (IID_IReplicationUtil)


Catalog identifier for the COMA catalog


Table identifier for ComponentsAndFullConfigurations table


Table identifier for ComponentFullConfigurationsReadOnly table


Table identifier for ComponentLegacyConfigurations table


Table identifier for ComponentNativeBitness table


Table identifier for ComponentNonNativeBitness table


Table identifier for Conglomerations table


Table identifier for Partitions table


Table identifier for MachineSettings table


Table identifier for Roles table


Table identifier for RoleMembers table


Table identifier for ConfiguredInterfaces table


Table identifier for ConfiguredMethods table


Table identifier for RolesForComponent table


Table identifier for RolesForInterface table


Table identifier for RolesForMethod table


Table identifier for PartitionUsers table


Table identifier for PartitionRoles table


Table identifier for PartitionRoleMembers table


Table identifier for InstanceLoadBalancingTargets table


Table identifier for ServerList table


Table identifier for InstanceContainers table


Table identifier for EventClasses table


Table identifier for Subscriptions table


Table identifier for SubscriptionPublisherProperties table


Table identifier for SubscriptionSubscriberProperties table


Table identifier for Protocols table


Table identifier for FilesForImport table


RequiredFixedGuid (used by ICatalogTableInfo::GetClientTableInfo)


AuxiliaryGuid for ComponentsAndFullConfigurations table (used by ICatalogTableInfo::GetClientTableInfo)


AuxiliaryGuid for SubscriptionPublisherProperties and SubscriptionSubscriberProperties tables (used by ICatalogTableInfo::GetClientTableInfo)


Partition identifier for global partition


GUIDs reserved for conglomeration identifiers of protected conglomerations


{9EB3B62C-79A2-11D2-9891-00C04F79AF51}, and
