Partager via Forced Session Teardown Requested

When the level-two protocol requests a forced session teardown, it indicates what session object it issues the teardown on. The session object MUST be in the Active state.

If the local partner is the primary partner, it MUST set the State field of the session object to Teardown, and then issue a TearDownContext call on the secondary partner, specifying the contextHandle parameter to be the context handle from the session object, the teardownType parameter as 0x00 (TT_FORCE), and the sRank parameter as SRANK_PRIMARY.

If the local partner is the secondary partner, it MUST set the State field of the session object to Requesting Teardown, and then issue a BeginTearDown call on the primary partner. It MUST specify the contextHandle parameter to be the context handle from the session object, and the teardownType parameter as 0x00 (TT_FORCE).

Any error that occurs while processing this request MUST be ignored.