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2.1.21 Documentation

The Documentation element is used to provide documentation of comments on the contents of the conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) file.

The following is an example of the Documentation element on the EntityContainer element.

 <EntityContainer Name="TwoThreeContainer">
       <Summary>Summary: Entity Container for storing Northwind instances</Summary> 
       <LongDescription>LongDescription: This Entity Container is for storing Northwind instances</LongDescription> 
   <EntitySet Name="Products" EntityType="Self.Product" />

The following is an example of the Documentation element on the EntitySet element.

 <EntitySet Name="Products" EntityType="Self.Product">
        <Summary>EntitySet Products is for storing instances of EntityType Product</Summary> 
        <LongDescription>This EntitySet having name Products is for storing instances of EntityType Product</LongDescription> 

The following is an example of the Documentation element on the AssociationSet element and End role.

 <AssociationSet Name="CategoryProducts" Association="Self.CategoryProduct">
          <Summary>AssociationSet CategoryProducts is for storing instances of Association CategoryProduct</Summary> 
          <LongDescription>This AssociationSet having name=CategoryProducts is for storing instances of Association CategoryProduct</LongDescription> 
   <End Role="Category" EntitySet="Categories">
          <Summary>This end of the relationship-instance describes the Category role for AssociationSet CategoryProducts</Summary> 
   <End Role="Product" EntitySet="Products">
          <LongDescription>This end of the relationship-instance describes the Product role for AssociationSet CategoryProducts</LongDescription> 

The following is an example of the Documentation element on the EntityType element, Property element, and NavigationProperty element.

 <EntityType Name="Product">
       <Summary>Summary: EntityType named Product describes the content model for Product</Summary> 
       <LongDescription>LongDescription: The EntityType named Product describes the content model for Product</LongDescription> 
     <PropertyRef Name="ProductID" />
   <Property Name="ProductID" Type="Int32" Nullable="false">
           <Summary>Summary: This is the key property of EntityType Product</Summary> 
           <LongDescription>LongDescription: This is the key property of EntityType Product</LongDescription> 
   <Property Name="ProductName" Type="String">
           <Summary>Summary: This property describes the name of the Product</Summary> 
   <Property Name="QuantityPerUnit" Type="String">
          <LongDescription>LongDescription: This property describes the quantity per unit corresponding to a product</LongDescription> 
   <Property Name="PriceInfo" Nullable="false" Type="Self.PriceInfo" />
   <Property Name="StockInfo" Nullable="false" Type="Self.StockInfo" />
   <NavigationProperty Name="Category" Relationship="Self.CategoryProduct" FromRole="Product" ToRole="Category">
           <Summary>This navigation property allows for traversing to Product-instances associated with a Category-instance</Summary> 
           <LongDescription> </LongDescription> 

The following is an example of the Documentation element on the Association element.

 <Association Name="CategoryProduct">
        <Summary>Association CategoryProduct describes the participating end of the CategoryProduct relationship</Summary> 
   <End Role="Category" Type="Self.Category" Multiplicity="1">
           <Summary>This end of the relationship-instance describes the Category role for Association CategoryProduct</Summary> 
   <End Role="Product" Type="Self.Product" Multiplicity="*">
          <LongDescription>This end of the relationship-instance describes the Product role for Association CategoryProduct</LongDescription> 

The following rules apply to the Documentation element:

  • Documentation can contain any number of AnnotationAttribute attributes. The full names of the AnnotationAttribute attributes cannot collide.

  • Documentation can specify a summary of the document inside a Summary element.

  • Documentation can specify a description of the documentation inside a LongDescription element.

  • The child elements of Documentation are to appear in this sequence: Summary, LongDescription, AnnotationElement.

Graphic representation in table format of the rules that apply to the Documentation element.

All child elements are to appear in the order indicated.