Partager via attFrom Attribute

The attFrom attribute is a message-level attribute that maps to and from the PidTagSender_XXX properties, as specified in section

The data for this attribute encodes as follows:

 TRP-structure = TRP-header sender-display-name sender-email empty
 TRP-header = trpidOneOff structure-length sender-name-length sender-email-length
 ; Structure type
 trpidOneOff = %x04.00
 ; The length of the entire structure. See the following description.
 structure-length = UINT16
 ; Length of sender display name string, including the terminating null character.
 sender-name-length = UINT16
 ; Length of sender email string, including the terminating null character.
 sender-email-length = UINT16
 sender-display-name = 1*OCTET %x00
 sender-email = sender-email-type ":" sender-email-address %x00
 sender-email-type = 1*CHAR
 sender-email-address = 1*CHAR
;Empty 8-byte structure
empty = 8*%x00

The structure-length field is calculated as eight (the size of TRP-header in OCTETs) plus the length of sender-display-name (including the terminating null character), plus the length of sender-email (including the terminating null character), plus eight (the size of the empty eight bytes).

The sender-name-length field is the length of sender-display-name in OCTETs (including the terminating null character).

The sender-email-length field is calculated as the length of sender-email (including the terminating null character).

The sender-email field is composed of four parts, the address-type (for example, the literal sequence "SMTP" for Internet addresses), a literal colon (":"), the address itself, and a terminating null character. For example, the string "" %x00 is a legal sender-email value.

The empty field is a zero-filled 8-byte structure.

For details about how the TNEF Writer handles the sender-email field, see section For details about the TNEF Reader handles the sender-email field, see section